I’ve been depressed.
All summer I’ve been depressed, or I’ve been fighting it off. This past week, I finally couldn’t fight it off anymore. I had to let it come in all the way so I could really take a look at it.
What reason is there to be depressed, you ask? Didn’t we win? Weren’t the mandates repealed? Didn’t we get our freedoms back? Isn’t it the case that Fauci is finally leaving NIAID, scuttling out the back door with little more than a whimper? Is it not true that Bill Gates, once beyond reproach, has become a dubious figure in the minds of many? Was it not only a year and a half ago that I wrote Mass Media and the Taboo Power, when I went out on a limb to suggest that the untouchable figures of Gates and Fauci were actually corrupt and dangerous? Perhaps I should be glad that reality is catching up to me (albeit with agonizing sloth in many areas).
Why be depressed?
Because something is very wrong.
We didn’t win. I don’t want to say we lost—but if forced to choose one or the other, I’d say we lost. We didn’t get our freedoms back. Our owners granted us our prison privileges back. Lockdown has been lifted in the prison we call home. Now we get to work at the license plate factory again. We get to play basketball on Tuesdays and lift weights on Thursdays again. Already the prisoners are jockeying for position again, eager to emerge on the other side of lockdown with more institutional privileges than before—with greater social status in the prison society pecking order than before. The next time lockdown is announced by our wardens, we’ll have rehearsed for it. We know exactly what to do this time. We might agree with the lockdown or disagree, but now we know that our societal masters have the absolute right to impose lockdowns and mandates on us. We have learned that we are not sovereign. The state is sovereign over us, as it must be.
And after two years of censorship in the media and tech firms that control mass access to information—guided and directed by the government itself—after two years of that, we’ve learned to censor ourselves. Among the people who recognize the corruption, lies, and abuses we suffered through for two years, most of us don’t say a word about it now. Better to keep silent. Why take the chance on being ostracized for speaking up now that the mandates are gone? Better to blend in with the mainstream. We take it for granted now that certain facts can never be mentioned, that certain authorities can never be questioned. We were trained well—so well that our masters can return our privileges to us. They know we’ll continue training ourselves to attune our ears to the newest forbidden topics and opinions—to silence ourselves and forget them.
Individuals are now looking at the established society opening up again and are positioning themselves and making calculations to take advantage of the opportunities there. It makes sense to distance oneself from the Freedom Movement, to stop talking about it, to fall into the numb, hypnotic trance of the majority—to join the conspiracy of silence regarding the massive human rights violations that occurred globally since 2020. You don't want to be branded as one of the weirdoes: one of the unsavory types who brings up impolitic realities about covid or the vaccines, the lockdowns, masks, or mandates. You want to blend in and grab your little piece of the pie during this reopening moment. Slices of fresh, unclaimed pie are now available after lying abandoned for two years.
It's similar to how we all avoid speaking openly about things like the JFK assassination and 911. I'd venture to guess that most of us recognize on some level that those horrible crimes facilitated significant shifts in unelected governing power—and were organized and covered up by forces within the government and the ruling power structures. But it's not spoken of. That would violate the taboos of polite conversation. The only way to avoid exposing the glaring holes in the official narratives regarding these events is to not talk about them at all. It seems to be shaping up the same way with covid, the mandates, and the jabs. Week after week, mainstream evidence mounts to confirm what those of us in the untouchable class of science deniers knew all along (the evidence was freely available from the beginning): that the jabs were never tested for and have no effect on transmissibility, that facemasks are useless against viruses, that the jabs carry safety risks unprecedented in the history of vaccines, and so on.
The only way to see the global governing, medical, and pharmaceutical authorities of 2020-22 as anything other than inveterate human rights abusers is to refuse to look at or think about anything covid related at all. And so we don’t. We all do our duty to prop up our criminal overlords, as we always have. We remain silent. We look the other way.
This energy of silent complicity has been growing and blossoming since January, 2022. I can hear its raspy, whispered tones, chanting: “Stay silent. Go to sleep, my love. Remember all the things you used to like in 2019? You can have them again. Just stay silent and forget. Just forget. Do what you used to do. It was all necessary, my dear—my sweet one. It was all normal. Hush, now. Just accept. Go along. Forget. Stay silent.”
I can feel this energy hanging thick in the air. This foreboding cloud of choking gloom weighs heavy. It seems to ebb and flow in waves—but the more waves that come, the deeper the sense of gloom—the deeper the feeling that something's just not right.
In 2020 and 2021, I counted myself as a member of a movement of consciousness and awakening awareness, united by values of love for humanity, respect for others across differences, a strong understanding of boundaries and personal sovereignty, a commitment to truth, to exploring different takes on truth with curiosity and openness—incorporating and acknowledging the existence of darker realities within a holistic spiritual perspective, knowing that denial and suppression of truths don't erase their existence.
Now, as we near the end of 2022, I no longer feel the existence of this movement, and I no longer feel a sense of shared purpose in the communities I was helping to build, either in person or online. Right around January/February of this year, just as the mandates were being rolled back everywhere—just at the moment that could have felt like a victory, providing the wind to lift our wings to the next level of building the New Earth—the movement began to buckle and break. It’s as if we are still too conditioned as a people to sustain any kind of movement or community that isn’t defined by what it’s opposed to.
Rather than being for humanity, sovereignty, freedom of speech and conscience, and loving compassion, there could only be a movement that was against lockdowns, masks, and mandates. After those policies were removed, the juice that held the movement together dissolved into nothing. The movement needed something else to be against. So, around February it suddenly became very important to see trans people as enemies whose rights and dignity had to be restricted. It could have been any other punching bag, it just so happened that trans people fit the bill the easiest. The movement for human dignity, rights, and freedom had devolved into a movement committed to harassing trans people. If harassing trans people didn’t appeal to you, you could take sides in the Ukraine War that also launched right at the moment the mandates were rolled back. Either NATO and its aligned powers, or Putin and Russia could be the thing you were against.
I had noticed a strain of this all along. There were always some in the Freedom Movement who dehumanized those who had opted for the vax or believed in the lockdowns, masks, and mandates. The toxic features of “wokeness” revealed themselves in the summer of 2020 as woke doctrine was used to dehumanize and exclude people based on their demographic characteristics or by finding them guilty of wrongthink. But opposition to wokeness transmogrified into a dehumanization and denunciation of woke people themselves: those who believed in Wokeism, or those whose personal characteristics matched the typical “woke” stereotype.
This tendency to hate or denounce people rather than oppose harmful behaviors and policies is such a tired and repetitive human failing, it seems like it should be a glaringly obvious pitfall by this point. I find my heart despairing that humanity still struggles to discern the difference between opposing an action as bad, and opposing a person as bad because they did a bad action. It doesn’t mean we ignore the fact that certain people perpetuate bad actions as a pattern, and it doesn’t mean we eschew accountability for such people. But it does mean that we focus our attention on whether actions are good or bad instead of whether other people are good or bad. It means we never dehumanize another, and it also means that we take a look at our own actions first, intending our own actions to serve as models for others.
Above all, we vigilantly refrain from treating entire groups of people as bad. We vigilantly refrain from projecting badness onto any particular person by virtue of their membership in any class of people determined to be bad. We vigilantly refrain from dismissing their experience, their humanity, and their uniqueness. We vigilantly refrain from gaslighting and dehumanizing them by projecting our preferred realities onto them.
The absurdity of Wokeism was that the great moral harm of racism was to be opposed by stereotyping and dehumanizing white people instead of black people. We were encouraged to simply inflict different people with the very moral harms that make racism terrible, rather than refrain from such inflictions altogether. Through the lens of Wokeism, the evils of discrimination and segregation were seen as virtues as long as different categories of people were targeted: the unvaxxed, Trump supporters, supposed white supremacists, and so on.
And now, the absurdity in the counter-movement is to dehumanize the woke, the vaccinated, the trans, and so forth in turn. We have learned nothing.
The Psychic Smog
What I've written above summarizes how all this has played out in the sociopolitical discourse, but I'm actually writing about something deeper behind it all. Can you feel it? Is there not some dark and destructive force that tears us apart, that sets us against each other, that methodically dismantles any movement of human consciousness, awareness, and sovereignty?
Is this the same force I've witnessed that gets people chasing personal power, status and aggrandizement? Is it the same force that’s been corroding the communities surrounding me here in Portland? Is it the same force that blinds us, numbs us, and sets our feet to tread the tired paths of the past, marching toward alienation and certain doom? Is this the force that causes our memory to fade? Is this the force that blocks our awareness?
This dark energy, this psychic smog, has the character of a spiritual spell or curse that's been activated. It's an old spell—an old curse—one of the oldest. Spells are primarily psychological in nature. They target perception and belief; they create memory gaps and memory blanks through traumatic conditioning. You might say they are woven out of story. Beautiful spells of healing and nurturance can be cast, as well as spells of domination, dejection, and slavery. The enslaving spells orient us toward the prevailing monetary, political, and cultural power forms. We position ourselves in relation to them and to their values of objectification, competition, status, and hierarchy.
There are two ways to curse a person. Neither operate by invoking magical power; both operate by invoking psychological power. One method is to convince others that person is accursed—to assassinate their character, run their name into the ground, tell stories about them that project your reality onto who they are. This kind of curse requires other people to serve as the catalyzing agents. It operates by activating the psychic smog already within them—the same smog behind racism, othering, and dehumanization. It’s the same smog that strips the unvaxxed of human rights and human consideration. This is the perennial human curse. We must understand this curse. When we curse another person or curse a category of people, we curse the entire world.
The second type of curse is achieved by gaslighting. You place the seed of the curse inside the other person like a virus of the mind. You plant the seed of an idea, and the idea is just this: That you are cursed. Once the person believes she is cursed, the curse operates from within her, powered by her own energy and belief. This is the primary spell of abuse: the psychological curse creation, perpetuated by the very psyche of the target herself.
In both cases we carry the curse of the world within us. The only way to heal the world, to lift the curse, is to identify its roots within our own psyches. We recognize that no one can force us to curse ourselves or curse another—and we refuse to participate. This is within our power. The curse on humanity is a curse we have the power to break at any time. When the spell of this curse is broken, the rest of the spells that keep us hypnotized and wedded to the Dream of Hell fall away in succession.
In 2020 and 2021 the dark, rotten spells of obedience, deception, and objectification that underpin our society were laid bare for those of us ready to see them. It was frightening to watch those energies achieve expression through official narratives, policies, and enforcement, and through the compliance of the majority. But it felt hopeful that with such energies openly on display in concentrated form, those of us who resisted them could do so while attuned to a different spirit: one of clarity and strength of good purpose.
At this time, however, with the veils thinning as we approach our Hallowed Eve and All Soul's Day—I experience the psychic smog, the oldest of human curses, as a palpable presence. It's been tugging at the corner of my mind all year. Month by month, I've watched people fall back into the spell of politics, fall back into the spells of objectification and dehumanization, fall back into the spells of jockeying for position in this slave matrix society we’re enspelled into, fall back into the spells of amnesia and denial, and fall back into the spells of spiritual bypass and manifestation of personal power and status. I've watched the communities and movements of awakening dissolve into the faint recesses of memory (if not lost to memory altogether), and I stand still, looking around me.
In this year of 2022, I feel the strengthening of this curse, this psychic smog. It feels stronger now than it did in 2020 and 2021 when it came to the surface and revealed itself. I feel it all around me—invisible, hanging in the air. I wonder what has happened, but I also know what has happened. This dark collective energy has crept back in through the cracks and has done what it always does: turn us against ourselves and each other—and blind our eyes to the dehumanization and power plays unfolding all around us.
Some of us knew that none of this was ever about covid, it was never about a vaccine, it was never about Trump, it was never about Putin, it was never about Wokeism or the Democrats. It's never been about any of that stuff. It's always been about the psychic smog. It’s always been about the agenda to bring the Living World under a spell of submission and control. It's an anti-spiritual agenda, to attune us to a conception of being that sees only programmable objects and power relationships of domination and hierarchy. It's an agenda meant to blind us to the spiritual truths and true power that lie within and behind all beings and all things: those of Love, Peace, Beauty, Gratitude, Compassion, Joy, Sovereignty, Truth, and Kindness.
In the absence of such spiritual energies, this agenda—this spell—seeks to bind our thoughts and actions to the dictates of our technocratic superiors and their AI algorithms. It seeks to cement their position of power and dominance over us: socially, politically, economically, and materially. It seeks to devolve our conscious awareness into the form of the programmable machine. Yuval Noah Harari, court philosopher of the World Economic Forum and their global technocracy has already pronounced us to be such programmable machines, or “hackable animals,” as he puts it. That’s his activation of the curse—the curse of dehumanization and domination.
This curse is as old as human history itself. It is likely far older. Only now, with the power of emerging technologies, is it seeking expression in such unprecedented form.
As such, we’re forced to the precipice of a turning point in human evolution. One direction will lead us to fold in and collapse on ourselves—on our unique human divinity and sovereignty—and become the hackable human robots envisioned by Harari, Ray Kurzweil and the intelligentsia of the technocracy. But there is another direction available to us.
Our conscious awareness is called on to evolve at this time. We are called upon to turn our eyes and hearts away from the empty baubles and flashing lights of the hypnotic spell casters. Our conscious awareness is ready to evolve. As it does, all the old spells will fall away, unable to retain their old purchase. We will unlock our true latent potential. The curse of dehumanization is ready to dissolve.
But only we can make it happen.
Each of us, all of us, one by one—Awaken.
From the ancient land of Britain, under a heavy blanket of sleepiness, I hear you. For the past four months I've been rediscovering my country after a long absence, trying to discern the level of awakening and where hope might lie. The silence of complicity here is deafening, and swathed in a set of peculiarly British beliefs to do with Brexit, the NHS and the evil of the Tories. It's loudest among the affluent middle classes and the activist left. The 'Resistance', while in much better shape than when I left, is largely mesmerised by the mainstream political scene and runs on the belief that if just shout at the ruling class long and hard enough, they will eventually turn from abusive parents into loving ones.
Meanwhile, meanwhile, alongside the internal spiritual and psychological work that is leading many to transformation, something else is happening ... People are starting to create alternatives that will free them, at least in part, from the system and show others that a different way is possible. For me, disconnecting and creating elsewhere is the action of awakening.
I've quoted from this in a piece on transhumanism I finally got around to writing. It's 2025 and I kept your closing comments in my notes all this time!