If you are reading this, you are probably at least somewhat aware of the level of censorship now suffocating free thought and discourse in mass society. You may have realized that platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, and others have taken unprecedented steps to censor and deplatform independent voices and regular citizens who express views or share information these institutions wish to suppress.
Perhaps you are familiar with my own work. If so, you are aware that my writing: 1. Is measured and reasoned rather than inflammatory; 2. Is neither inciting of hostility nor hostile to any group or class of people; and 3. Encourages readers to think for themselves rather than simply agreeing with my opinions or views, or any externally derived opinions or views.
Nonetheless, as of this writing (September 22, 2021), my entire account has been deplatformed from the online publishing platform Medium, starting day-before-yesterday. I was provided with no warning or explanation for why this happened, other than a one-sentence red box that popped up on my landing page, containing the ominous and vague sentence: “This account is under investigation or was found in violation of the Medium Rules.”
The vagueness and ominous tone are part of the whole point. This includes the use of a red box, signifying “Stop!” and “Danger!” and the awe-inducing quasi-religious reference to “The Rules.” A hush falls over the room as we are meant to bow our heads in reverence to the sacred censorship deity, cowed with shame and the fear of God. This was followed by an equally vague and less ominous (but more Orwellian) email reading: “Due to the elevated risk of potential harm to persons or public health, Medium’s Trust & Safety team has removed your account under its rules.” It is interesting to note that they did not accuse me of causing harm, but their internal Ministry of Truth instead cited only “the elevated risk of potential harm.”
All of this is rank nonsense of course, and that also is the whole point. It is not necessary that Medium provide the specific reasons for the deplatforming. We know full well the reason. My articles are critical of actions and policies enacted by the Biden Administration, Dr. Fauci, the CDC, and the WHO, whether directly or indirectly. In an authoritarian system, it is a crime to suggest even the possibility that your leader could be fallible or corrupt. Biden has made it clear in his public statements that our duty as good Americans is to obey him unquestioningly or be barred from society, and I am in violation of his patriotic command. My articles do not belong to an authoritarian system; they belong to the tradition of democracy, which enshrines freedom of speech and of the press as absolutely essential counterweights to official corruption and authoritarian overreach.
The Biden administration has explicitly stated they are in collaboration with social media and tech platforms, and are pressuring these platforms to censor speech the Administration disagrees with. Sometimes they provide explicit instructions about which accounts should be deplatformed and which posts should be blocked, as Press Secretary Jen Psaki recently admitted. Presumably, the White House finally got around to pressuring Medium—or else in a surge of patriotic fervor, Medium decided to initiate the censorship of their own accord, bravely taking on the burden of the ongoing fight against free and open public discourse—keeping us all safe from ourselves.
Many people are untroubled by this. As long as the censorship is conducted by a corporate entity rather than a government official, they believe there is no cause for concern. A general lack of awareness exists regarding the primary operating mechanism of fascism as described by Benito Mussolini, the founding father of fascism: the corporate-state partnership. Whether the corporate world controls the state or vice versa, the result is the same. Authoritarian rule is established on both a de facto and de jure level. Corporate actors issue discriminatory edicts where the state is unable to. The state issues mandates where the corporation is unable to.
For the past two years I have been observing the ongoing cascade of official censorship and deplatforming with growing alarm. But now that I have experienced one for myself, I can connect with it on a visceral level. The primary quality evoked by the experience is that of depersoning. This quality is evoked on both sides of the exchange. The tech company that enacts the depersoning is itself entirely impersonal. It takes action upon the former person with machinelike inscrutability. There is no dialogue, no negotiation, no discussion of competing values or common goals—there is only the faceless, impersonal wall of the institution, frowning down upon the discarded.
On the receiving end, the quality of depersoning is also palpable. A human being is valued and treated with respect. A human being has a perspective that matters and deserves to be included. Once depersoned, those values no longer apply. The impersonal machine has revoked your rights to the consideration of personhood. We are no longer free human beings—those are clunky relics of the bad old days. We are to be persons subject to machine rule and oversight, or we are to be depersoned nonentities, sorted and disposed of into the refuse bin.
And so, the time is ripe for me to issue this reminder that the Machine will never deliver our humanity to us. It couldn’t do that even if it wanted to. We have to claim our humanity through our own will and effort. We have to become the human beings that we are. And a great way to start is through individuation: assuming responsibility for one’s own voice, one’s own choices, and one’s own views. Through individuation, one assumes the responsibility of conducting one’s own investigation of this world and what is true—what is valued.
This is also essential to democracy. It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except for every other form of government that has been tried. Our rulers have taken that sentiment to heart—but not to defend and preserve democracy. They wish to attempt a new kind of government: technocracy. Instead of rule by the people, we will experience rule by the technocrats. They will inform us of what they have decided “The Science” is, and what restrictions they have commanded us to accept as a result. They will banish and deperson all from society who disagree or insist that “The Science” be answerable to critique and actual science.
For those of us who prefer the principle of rule by the people, it is up to us to create a democracy, one person at a time. The technocrats will never give you democracy, nor will the Machine. Democracy is created by citizens. Citizens are created by human beings in recognition of their own humanity and then deciding to act as citizens. Being a citizen doesn’t mean voting, going to town hall meetings to wait your turn at the microphone, or running for public office. It might or might not include those things, but that’s not what it means. Being a citizen means you assume responsibility as a sovereign and independent being. You assume responsibility for determining what is right or wrong, what is true or false, for what your values are, for speaking your mind, for standing behind your words, and for taking action accordingly in alignment with your own wisdom, in service to a free society of a free people.
I suggest that the basic duty of citizenship (for those of us who choose to be one) is to inform oneself. Not to be informed. To be informed is to regurgitate the curated narrative and beliefs selected for you as programming by the machine operators in the corporate-state partnership—distributed through the corporate press and media institutions. That’s not the duty of a citizen. The duty is to inform oneself—to think for oneself—to reason for oneself—and to choose one’s response to the world accordingly.
When living under a censorship regime, as we now are in the United States (and in most of the world), informing oneself means seeking out the information the corporate-state machine wishes to hide from you. This is the citizen’s duty of holding power accountable. A citizen cannot trust that those who have achieved power are telling the truth, are infallible, or are incorruptible. A citizen makes it their business to fact-check the fact-checkers. A citizen makes it their business to reserve the right of approval or review on any censorship decision that is made. A citizen’s ears perk up whenever they learn something has been censored. The immediate thought is, “I wonder what the people in power want to hide—and why.” And then the citizen decides to try and find out.
Even if you have not yet attempted to inform yourself outside of corporate/state-approved channels, over the past few years you may have become aware (or have at least considered) that the mainstream press is controlled. You may have entertained the awareness that corporate press outlets distribute a slanted version of national and world events that aligns with the shared interests of established power structures in government, global technocracy, the corporate world, and the billionaire class.
You may be aware that independent journalists and outspoken scientists, doctors, and intellectuals all over the world are working to disclose suppressed information and facts regarding governmental, corporate and military power, medical science, intelligence agencies, mass surveillance, organized crime, and corrupt partnerships between powerful private and state actors. You may also be aware that much of this journalistic disclosure work is drawn from published white papers, scientific studies, official statements, and even articles from the mainstream media itself—but that this official and mainstream information is not easy to find or access via online searches or through mainstream press outlets.
Perhaps you would like to know where to find such information and journalism, but you don’t know how to do so. You might want to consider the available facts, evidence, and arguments for yourself and compare it against what you are hearing or reading in the corporate press, or from your government officials.
And so, fellow citizen, I have collected here a compendium of such links to independent journalism. Scroll directly down to Part 6 if you’d like to explore a trove of peer-reviewed scientific journal articles that address the efficacy and safety of the covid vaccines, with contextual awareness of viral immunity processes. Links to my own series of articles, now available on Substack instead of Medium, can be found in Part 1 at the top of the list. In solidarity with all others who have been censored, deplatformed, blacklisted, cancelled, and depersoned, I present my collection of sources compiled over the past two years of tyranny.
These links are for any person who would like to inform themselves and engage their own critical thinking—who will not allow their access to information to be strictly controlled by official arbiters of truth and powerful corporate interests. The links below will provide you with enough content to keep you going for months, if not years. I wish you blessings and good fortune as you join me on this journey of challenging what was assumed to be true, considering new perspectives and opinions, questioning how you can determine which facts are reliable and which are not, and most of all, tapping deep into your own reasoning, values, and conscience to discover yourself.
1. Companion Articles by Relendra
Here are links, along with short summaries, to my series of articles on the covid fiasco, responsible for my recent deplatforming from Medium. These articles were written and published over the course of 2020–2021 in response to the wave of authoritarian governance, thought, and belief that swept the world in that year. They represent an appeal to freedom of thought, speech, and conscience, and advocate for a return to democratic, human, and spiritual values. These articles also offer research, critique, and insight regarding the nature of the crisis of this time and the possible intentions and implications of these events. (This list has since been updated to include further articles on these topics from 2021-2023.)
Part of the Problem. An encounter with the surreal in June, 2020. An invitation to open up to deeper questions at a pivotal moment in American and world history. June, 2020
Lockdown Evoked a Political and Conceptual Earthquake in my Life. A description of the unraveling process that occurred for me in the summer of 2020 as my prior alignments and sense of truth and trust were shattered by the advent of authoritarianism in the US and abroad. September, 2020
The Sacred Left and Right. An analysis of the sacred and authoritarian forms of both left and right political orientations — with a call to support the sacred forms and resist the technocratic authoritarian forms. October, 2020
The following five articles were written as explainers with a plethora of links to sources for further reading and research. They are a great place to start for readers who are newly guessing or recognizing that they were misled regarding covid.
What to Make of Covid and the Lockdowns? My original article stating the case against lockdowns, masks, and social distancing regimes. An appeal for open discourse. December, 2020
Why Are They Doing This? An exploration of the possible reasons or motives for the continuing lockdown regimes in light of the evidence that they are neither necessary nor useful, and in light of the considerable harm they have caused and continue to cause. March, 2021
Mass Media and the Tabboo Power. A critique of censorship as antithetical to human flourishing accompanied by an examination of taboo and censored areas of inquiry—and of who is protected and harmed by their taboo status. April, 2021
Toward a New Religion. An exploration of the “New Normal” societal changes in values and belief that have accompanied the lockdown regimes, seen through the lens of religion and spirituality. April, 2021
Understanding Technocracy. An exploration of the nature of technocracy in further depth, examining it from psychological, ideological, and spiritual perspectives. This is a key article for understanding the underlying motives and aims of the ruling classes in the world today. April, 2021
Fact-Checking is the New Pravda. A dissection of the propaganda technique of fact-checking, which has become a ubiquitous phenomenon in the corporate press in recent years. Fact-checking is perhaps the most effective and important tactic available for shaping and controlling popular thought and belief. July, 2021
How Would You Know? An exploration of authoritarianism, given with the understanding that an authoritarian or totalitarian governance system that wishes to cloak itself in virtue will not inform the public of its lies. In order to know whether one is living in a controlled system, it is necessary to question the system and its assertions. October, 2021
What’s to Be Done about the Vaccine Hesitant? An exploration of how words can be coined and employed to guide and limit thought according to the designs of those with the power to normalize and promote chosen terminology and the accompanying narratives. I refer to words weaponized in this way as “spell words,” and demonstrate how the spells operate. November, 2021
What Are Boundaries, and Why Don’t I Have Any? A probe into the psychological and relational underpinnings of an abusive society and governing class or state. By understanding how abuse, gaslighting, manipulation, and violation of boundaries operates between individuals, the very same dynamics can be mapped onto the relationship between the people and the rulers. Much is made clear in this process. December, 2021
Narrative Collapse and the Spell of Politics. This article sifts through the operative political narratives at play in the United States, traces their recent history, and demonstrates the way these narratives have been employed as a divide and rule tactic to turn the people against each other and against themselves in hopes of deliverance from false political saviors (hint: all political saviors are false). February, 2022
The Moral Reckoning. A call to conscience and consequence for the violations of human rights and dignity that occurred globally in 2020-2022, and the conditions that allowed it to happen. April, 2022
Why Do We Fear Our Own Power? A deeper exploration of the conditions in the human psyche that permitted the covid fiasco to occur. An appeal to sovereignty and a challenge to the spell of authority. June, 2022
Unpacking Covid Trauma. An exploration of the wreckage of the covid fiasco, the traumatization of individuals and society that occurred, and the insistence that these harms be recognized and addressed. August, 2022
The Energy Behind Things. A warning regarding the seeming return to normalcy following the covid fiasco, and the dangers inherent in returning to the rhythms of the very type of society that made covid tyranny possible in the first place. October, 2022
Crisis of Confidence. A survey of public health as an institution and concept, offered as a case study (in light of the covid fiasco) in the dangers of instrumentalist ethics and technocracy, and the dangers inherent in lending unwarranted confidence to leaders and institutions, regardless of how frightening it may be to confront that these leaders may actually be corrupt. January, 2023
2. Independent News Sources
A. Print Journalism
Here is a selection of online print publications that are a great resource for staying continually informed. These uncensored sources are critical of authoritarianism—they highlight news, information, and opinions that are suppressed by the traditional corporate press.
OffGuardian - because facts really should be sacred – The OffGuardian was created by journalists who used to write for the UK Guardian newspaper, but found themselves no longer welcome as the Guardian became increasingly captured by donations from corporate and technocratic interest groups such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The OffGuardain produces editorial news content and also reposts content from elsewhere.
The Defender • Children’s Health Defense – The Defender is the news outlet of Children’s Health Defense, the consumer and health advocacy organization led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The Defender curates excellent content on issues of health, pharmaceuticals, and policy, along with internally produced editorials, podcasts, and interviews.
Technocracy News & Trends – This news website is led by Editor-in-Chief Patrick Wood, a preeminent scholar on subject of technocracy. The site focuses on news regarding technocratic developments in technology and global governance trends.
Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization – This site collects news stories from around the world, all pertinent to the phenomenon of centralized global power and ongoing developments in the attempts to strengthen this centralized control.
Stillness in the Storm - An Agent of Conscious Evolution — This site curates news updates along with originally produced content in the spirit of promoting truth-seeking and discernment skills with an emphasis on covid-related news and other authoritarian measures sponsored by states or private actors.
We Are Change — Independent news site headed by Luke Rudowski, offering commentary and counterpoint on official media narratives and state/corporate policies and statements.
Unlimited Hangout | Whitney Webb – Webb is among the finest investigative journalists operating in the world today. She has conducted extensive research into intelligence agencies, military operations, technocracy, organized crime, and human rights abuses, among other issues.
Zerohedge – Zero Hedge is a news aggregator with some original content. It tends to focus on financial markets and investment news relative to current events and global politics.
BlackListed News – This site provides general interest news stories that are censored or ignored by the corporate press.
The Sociable - Technology and Society News Blog – This news site covers various topic areas with a focus on global technological developments and attendant implications.
B. Video Journalism
These websites host video content that is updated weekly or more often, and provide a wealth of information about current events while providing historical and philosophical context.
The Highwire with Del Bigtree - This indispensable and well-researched weekly news show is focused primarily on medical freedom and medical choice issues. The show is linked to ICAN, the Informed Consent Action Network, an advocacy organization regarding these issues. This is an essential resource for keeping up-to-date on challenges to the corporate news narrative. The Highwire can also be found on Odysee, Bitchute, and in Podcast format.
Ron Paul Liberty Report — Paul releases several news commentary shows every week along with his co-host, providing invaluable commentary and critique on government overreach and authoritarian measures in the United States, along with measured challenges to inconsistent covid narratives and public health measures.
Grand Theft World — This is a weekly long-form news summary show hosted by independent researcher Richard Grove. Along with his co-hosts, Grove collects many hours worth of pertinent news content every week, both highlighting independent voices, and critiquing official narratives. Grove also adds historical context regarding the development of technocratic goals over the course of the 20th century, with a particular focus on the Anglo-American banking and finance alliance that directs these policies and politicians.
The Corbett Report — Independent journalist James Corbett has been providing incisive commentary on global technocracy, propaganda, and media manipulations for about 15 years running, usually with several episodes per week. Corbett’s Odysee channel can be accessed here.
Corbett also conducts extensive investigative research exposing all manner of official corruption. A great place to start is the probing documentary Who Is Bill Gates?, detailing the life and interests of Bill Gates and the history of his monopolistic business practices in both tech and public health. Another jewel in his catalog is How Big Oil Conquered the World.
21 Wire TV — A good source of independent news content, in video news format.
C. Podcasts/Videocasts
A third source of essential news and information is a host of podcasts and videocasts produced by independent content creators and journalists, often in interview format, and sometimes in the form of polished video productions. I am providing links to the Odysee.com channel page for each of these videocasts wherever possible.
Due to mass YouTube censorship of content critical of the ruling class and their prevailing authoritarian policies, I do not support that platform. I prefer to send people to the censorship-free Odysee.com platform instead, even when the channel is still available on Youtube. Most of these channels can also be found on other video platforms such as Rokfin, Bitchute, or Rumble, or in audio form as a podcast. I have also included specific links to particularly on-point and informative videos produced on these channels.
Academy of Ideas - I can’t speak highly enough of this series of educational videos on the subjects of psychology, conformity, societal sickness, personal strength and freedom, and mass psychosis. There could be no better school to foster understanding of what is happening throughout the world right now. Because these videos are so valuable, I am including links to a lengthy list of specific gems:
How to be Free in an Unfree World
Edward Bernays and Group Psychology: Manipulating the Masses
Do We Live in a Sick Society?
The Psychology of Power – How to Dethrone Tyrants
How The “Greater Good” is Used as a Tool of Social Control
How Civil Disobedience Safeguards Freedom and Prevents Tyranny
Is Mass Psychosis the Greatest Threat to Humanity?
Can Ideas Induce Mass Psychosis?
The Manufacturing of Mass Psychosis – Can Sanity Return to an Insane World?
Do We Live in a Brave New World? Aldous Huxley’s Warning to the World
Why an Obsession with Safety Creates Sick Minds and a Sick Society
Is 1984 Becoming a Reality? George Orwell’s Warning to the World
How to Escape from a Sick Society
The Dellingpod - James Dellingpole – This British refugee from mainstream media and establishment politics is an excellent interviewer and has consistently hosted an array of the strongest voices for clarity in the Freedom Movement since the lockdowns began, including:
Mark Crispin Miller – NYU professor and expert on propaganda
Catherine Austin Fitts – Former Assistant Secretary of HUD, investment banker, and
finance expert
James Corbett – Independent Journalist exposing propaganda and corruption
Naomi Wolf – Former Democratic Party insider and fierce advocate for democracy
Reiner Feullmich – Lawyer investigating global covid governance as violation of international human rights.
Dr. Joseph Mercola – Dr. Mercola has been a longstanding voice in the field of natural medicine, and as a critic of corruption in the mainstream medical field. He continues to produce valuable content despite intense pressure and censorship directed against him by establishment interests and the Biden Administration. Mercola is now deleting much of his content after only 72 hours in order to protect himself from governmental harassment, but the following essential interviews have been preserved on Bitchute and Odysee.com:
Technocracy — Interview with Patrick Wood. Interview with Patrick Wood providing an overview of Technocracy as a political movement and ideology, and the nature of technocracy as a threat to democracy and human flourishing.
Covd Fraud and Illegal Dealings — Interview with David Martin. Excellent rundown of Martin’s evidence and investigative knowledge regarding the origins of covid, pharmaceutical and military involvement, the role of Anthony Fauci in these matters and more.
Global Tyranny and the Great Reset - Interview with writer and social critic CJ Hopkins.
Fear Appeal and Covid-19 Perception — This interview with Dr. Peter Breggin, who distinguished himself as a leading voice who brought an end to the practice of lobotomy in the 1970s, is an excellent overview of the practice of Fear Appeal in public health to induce desired behavior changes in the public at large.
The Empire of Gates — Interview with Vandana Shiva, PhD. An overview of the Bill Gates empire, its harms and continued dangers, as related in conversation between Vandana Shiva and Dr. Joseph Mercola.
Media Bias and Journalism Censorship – Interview with independent journalist Sharyl Attkisson.
Planet Lockdown – Beginning in 2020, this series of deeply insightful interviews was initiated by filmmaker James Patrick, gathering material for his documentary film Planet Lockdown, still in production. Highlights include:
Catherine Austin Fitts – This interview was in the process of going viral when YouTube deleted it in January, 2021. Fitts provides an analysis of technocracy in motion, describing the confluence of tech, military, pharmaceuticals, media, and finance in instituting technocracy, and how covid authoritarian policies facilitate these ambitions.
Michael Yeadon – Former Pfizer executive Dr. Michael Yeadon, explains the unique and specific dangers of the mRNA covid shots in clarifying detail.
CJ Hopkins – Hopkins is a playwright and incisive critic of covid authoritarianism, with particular focus on the presence of authoritarian ideology and compliance on a mass societal level.
Mads Palsvig – Insightful interview with former investment banker on global corruption.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – The Defender In addition to publishing his invaluable online news publication with a focus on public safety from environmental and pharmaceutical toxins, as well as medical freedom issues, Kennedy also conducts interviews which are released in podcast format. Here are some of his best:
Fauci’s Checkered Past, Moderna’s Warp Speed Vaccine. In-depth interview of US patent expert, inventor, and businessman David Martin by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with detailed discussion of Fauci’s career and dealings guiding the pharmaceutical industry.
Fighting for Our Constitutional Rights. An interview with American civil rights activist Naomi Wolf by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. regarding abuse of emergency powers, the dangers of the prevailing censorship regime in violation of Constitutional Rights, and the network of conflicted interests involving Fauci, Gates, NIAID, and the pharmaceutical industry.
Epstein and Bill Gates with Whitney Webb. An excellent summary of Whitney Webb’s research on the high-level connections of Jeffrey Epstein, with special emphasis on Bill Gates’ connection to the notorious human trafficker and blackmailer.
Oracle Films – This channel provides updates and interviews about the Freedom Movement, mainly focusing on Europe, and periodically releases excellent full-length documentary films on the subject, including the following:
The Pushback – Inspiring documentary about the global protest movement against covid authoritarianism that is hidden from public consciousness by the corporate press.
The New Normal – A documentary warning about the present and future implications of covid authoritarianism throughout the globe.
Wake-Up Call—World Freedom Alliance – A documentary providing a picture of the global protest movement being organized by the World Freedom Alliance in Europe.
Unlimited Hangout — In addition to her homepage listed as a print media resource above, Whitney Webb also maintains this Odysee channel populated by insightful interviews of deep dives into the realities of global governance and the coordinated technocratic agenda that underlies it.
Propaganda in the Covid Era with Mark Crispin Miller — An excellent and informative foray into the workings of propaganda in the covid regime, and its roots in the aftermath of the JFK assassination and coup.
China, Wall Street, and the New Global Economy with James Corbett — This interview with Corbett looks into the links between US/Western military and intelligence agendas and the rise and operations of China, revealing the tension between China and the West as something of a phony war or Hegelian Dialectic meant to further the security state objectives of both West and East.
Reiner Fuellmich — Fuellmich is a German and American lawyer who has convened a committee for the international investigation of crimes against humanity related to state and corporate covid policies and authoritarianism in violation of international law and human rights. His goal is to bring these charges to trial in a revival of the Nuremburg Trials of 1947. As part of his evidence gathering process, he has conducted and publicized interviews with nearly every prominent expert and activist in the global Freedom Movement. Highlights from his interviews include:
Professor Mattias Desmet — Whitney Webb — David Martin — Naomi Wolf
James Corbett — Catherine Austin Fitts — Ilana Rachel Daniel
Drs. Michael Yeadon and Claire Craig
Peak Prosperity — Dr. Chris Martenson offers interview and commentary with a measured analysis of the data, a scientific mindset, and an open mind in the spirit of free and open inquiry.
Medical Imperialism Driven by Pure Greed — This interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is among the most illuminating available regarding the inner workings of the globally coordinated authoritarian covid response and the operations of the pharmaceutical industry with Anthony Fauci as the key operational figure.
Mass Psychosis & You - Why People Have Lost Their Minds — Martenson breaks down the elements necessary to induce mass psychosis, cites historical examples, demonstrates their presence in the current covid hysteria, and provides examples of how the flames of this hysteria/psychosis are being deliberately fanned by establishment actors in government and media institutions.
Allison McDowell – McDowell is an independent researcher and interpreter of the technocratic and transhumanist agenda, relying primarily on publicly available white papers and reports released by the technocratic institutions themselves. She provides thorough exposés of the future world planned for us by the world’s leading technologists and the financiers behind them. Here are some excellent samples of her work:
Biometric Health Passports And The Panopticon.
Smart Cities, The Transhumanist Game, and Lifelong Learning
Kate Wand – Since 2020, Kate Wand has been putting out an excellent selection of videos and interviews related to the topic of individual and human rights, and in opposition to authoritarian governance. Here are two of her finest gems:
Lockdown: The Dark Side of History
Lockdown: The New Tribalism
Ivor Cummins – This Irish commentator’s channel is a treasure trove of clearly, patiently explained analysis of scientific data pertinent to covid policies, coupled with clarifying graphs and charts.
This concise 3-minute diagram of the drivers of public covid hysteria is a quintessential example of his clarifying approach.
David Whitehead — Whitehead is a Canadian researcher and commentator with a martial arts background whose Truth Warrior channel is available on Rokfin, or in audio form as a podcast. He addresses current events with an emphasis on the larger picture of global corporate and technocratic agendas, along with reference to spiritual and archetypical themes of mythology and personal courage and strength.
Vanguard/Blackrock Follow the Money featuring Chris Vleck — In this interview, with Chris Vleck, Whitehead explores the ownership structures of Vanguard and Blackrock, providing a concise understanding of how prevailing authoritarian global policy can be coordinated through financial structures and consolidated financial power. (Vleck’s original video referenced in this interview can be viewed here.)
The Last American Vagabond – This news and commentary videocast by Ryan Cristian provides a wealth of valuable information and critique on corporate press and government narratives. Investigative journalist Whitney Webb is a frequent guest.
Pandemdic Podcast – UK-based interview podcast featuring extensive coverage of every aspect of the covid phenomenon and the authoritarian societal response to it.
Amazing Polly – Canadian researcher and independent journalist Polly St. George offers commentary and walk-through guides to her research on technocracy, transhumanism, ethically framed spiritual issues, and authoritarian political developments. She maintains this channel on Rumble and her content is split between two channels on Bitchute (Amazing Polly and More Polly), but she is not yet established on Odysee.
Jay Dyer – This videocast channel, sometimes called Jay’s Analysis, showcases Dyer’s encyclopedic historical knowledge in the areas of intelligence agencies, organized crime, psychological operations and manipulation, social engineering, and the connection of all these organizations and phenomena to the ruling class in government, military, corporate, and wealthy circles. Dyer highlights the philosophical underpinnings of these movements as connected with esotericism and the occult, and in particular, diagrams Hollywood films for reference to these ideas and technocratic agendas.
Pam Popper – Dr. Popper was an early voice in 2020 challenging covid authoritarianism from a medical perspective.
We Are Change — Luke Rudowski’s independent news outlet operates this Odysee Channel with frequent news udates and commentary fro Rudowski.
The Tom Woods Show – News and current events interview show with an emphasis on personal freedoms and liberties, and critique of authoritarian systems and philosophies.
Russell Brand — Brand has been providing consistent editorial critique spiced with humor on his channel in response to the corporate press and authoritarian government measures.
Awaken with JP – Cutting satirical video commentary on political and social issues with freedom and autonomy perspective.
WhatsHerFace – This Canadian commentary show on current events uses humor and insight to draw attention to authoritarian government measures and contradictions in the mainstream narrative, with a focus on bodily autonomy and medical freedom.
The Conscious Resistance – This channel, hosted by activist Derrick Broze, provides updates and commentary with a focus on building independent community and individual resilience in response to the encroachment of authoritarianism.
The Ice Age Farmer – This channel approaches the subject of independence and resilience in relation to authoritarian systems by focusing on agriculture and self-sustaining farming practices.
Computing Forever – Commentary from Ireland on current events and political developments from a medical freedom and individual rights perspective.
HelioWave Productions – Videocast channel that discusses the global technocracy movement, totalitarian social controls, and transhumanist goals of genetic engineering, medical tyranny, AI, the surveillance state, and related issues.
Truthzilla Podcast – Interview format podcast with focus on the Freedom Movement and resistance to authoritarianism.
Freedom Movement – Finally, here is the link to a channel I run on Odysee. As time goes by, I will continue to encounter new videos of interest to anyone aligned with the burgeoning worldwide Freedom Movement against technocratic tyranny. If you are interested in viewing the videos I will be engaging with in the future, you can follow this channel for ongoing recommendations.
3. Informative Articles and Videos for Topical Exploration
I have gathered together this collection of informative videos and articles for deep dives into specific issue areas. They are grouped by content category for the convenience of the researcher.
A. Propaganda, Narcissistic Societal Abuse, and Mass Deceptions
Mattias Desmet is a Belgian professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University, where he lectures on mass formation and totalitarianism. He draws from scholarship regarding the phenomenon of totalitarian systems and the psychological conditions necessary for totalitarianism to take hold in a society (termed mass formation), Professor Desmet is able to explain how mass formation has taken hold on a global level in response to covid. He details the conditions that led to this mass formation, the reasons it has persisted, provides examples of its expression in unquestioning adherence to mainstream narratives and authoritarian policies, and describes the conditions necessary for mass formation to dissolve, led by the 20-30% of people who are psychologically immune to this process.
The following two interviews both provide excellent explorations of these issues:
The Psychology of Totalitarianism with Reiner Fuellmich
The Masses Have Fallen under a Spell with Pandemic Podcast
Mark Crispin Miller is an NYU professor whose expertise is the use, propagation, and identification of propaganda. Ironically, for the past year, NYU has been attempting to overcome his tenure protections and fire him for speaking out against covid propaganda. In the following video series he details the masterwork of propaganda unveiled across in the world in 2020 by way of covid.
2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece, Part 1
2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece, Part 2
2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece, Part 3
In this brilliant three-part series published on his Consent Factory platform, satirist and writer CJ Hopkins details the parameters and dimensions of the covid ideology that has swept the world beginning in March, 2020. Among other things, he demonstrates that this ideology has all the features of a cult, and of totalitarianism, explaining that totalitarianism itself is a cult writ large across society.
The Covidian Cult (Part I)
The Covidian Cult (Part II)
The Covidian Cult (Part III)
Richard Grannon is an expert on codependency and narcissistic abuse. He also offers extensive insight on how these dynamics, enacted on the micro level, are also enacted on the macro level as a tool of domination by the ruling class. These four videos provide an excellent summary of this information:
Asymmetric Warfare: propaganda, psyops and narcissistic abuse of the masses, March 27, 2020
PsyOps! How to brainwash a nation and create a new normal (“fractionation” technique explained)
Yuri Bezmenov was a Soviet KGB Agent in the 1960s who defected to Canada after coming to recognize the hypocrisy and corruption of totalitarian society. In this compilation of lectures and interviews from 1983-1984, Bezmenov provides an indispensible education in propaganda, intelligence agency psyops, manipulation of the masses, and other topics pertinent to propaganda and media control, delivered with his unique brand of humor and personable style.
This is what mind control looks like. This is Operation Mockingbird – This brilliant video compilation speaks volumes about mainstream media control and propaganda, with no commentary, no interpretation – just clips from TV news, displayed in context.
B. Global Authoritarian Governance and the Great Reset
Monopoly - Who Owns the World? – This essential video expands on the original, shorter video produced in the Netherlands, breaking down the reality of cross-ownership in the most powerful corporations in the world, which collectively control the lion’s share of the world’s wealth. The biggest four institutional investors: Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, and Berkshire Hathaway collectively own about 30% of each of the world’s most prominent corporations outright. But taking into account that the smaller institutional investors are owned by the largest investors in a nested pyramid structure, the top two institutions, Blackrock and Vanguard, enjoy controlling influence over the entire ownership network.
The Corporation. The classic 2003 documentary analyzing the corporation as a structure and archetype in terms of its legal personhood, psychopathic profile, and influence on the human world. Part One, and Part Two.
The Quigley Formula – G. Edward Griffin lecture – An informative academic lecture about Carol Quigley, the Georgetown professor and historian (name-checked by his one-time student Bill Clinton at the Democratic National Convention). Quigley wrote in extensive detail about the secret society of Anglo-American governance that has been directing world events since the 1890s. Interestingly, Quigley admired this secret society and was not a critic. His books Tragedy and Hope, and The Anglo-American Establishment are essential reading to understand how our governing and media systems actually work.
The 147 Companies that control everything. Forbes article describing the 147 corporations that own 40% of transnational corporate wealth, with interlocking stakes in one another and tightly interwoven and overlapping boards of directors.
Superclass — David Rothkopf. A lecture/presentation by David Rothkopf in which he explains the nature and ways of the 6,000–*-7,000 people who control the world.
Shoshana Zuboff On Surveillance Capitalism. Probing documentary detailing the workings and objectives of data-mining, surveillance, and human behavior manipulation by companies like Google and Facebook, and the threats to human rights and democracy.
Journalism’s Gates keepers. Article by the Columbia Journalism Review exposing the numerous conflicts of interests that exist in mainstream media companies in their coverage of Bill Gates and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation due to extensive contributions distributed by that foundation directly to those media institutions.
C. Technocracy, The Great Reset, and Plans for Transhumanism
The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism – This lecture, delivered by Patrick Wood, provides one of the most concise summaries available on the history and development of technocracy in the 20th century, its current expression through covid authoritarianism, and the future goals of transhumanism.
Whitney Webb interview with Truthzilla – Webb describes the results of her research into technocracy and attendant transhumanist plans to integrate human beings with AI and inorganic technology.
Meet the World Economic Forum – A video exposé of Klaus Schwab and The World Economic Forum by James Corbett. This piece emphasizes the WEF’s technocratic, authoritarian, and transhuman goals, and its tremendous influence on governments, politicians, NGOs, and corporations in every part of the world.
Klaus Schwab & his Great Fascist Reset. A thorough written analysis of Schwab’s personal history, future vision, the authoritarian political ramifications of his agenda, and the transhuman, technocratic movements surrounding him (and directed by him).
Globalists Embrace Leveraging Social Media, Location, & Behavioral Data for Alternative Credit Scoring. Article detailing World Economic Forum plans to launch and implement a global social credit system.
A timeline of the great rest agenda: from foundation to Event 201 and the pandemic of 2020. An article exploring the formation of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset and the events leading to its launch in 2020.
A skeptical look at the ‘great reset’: a technocratic agenda that waited years for a global crisis to exploit. Companion article to the one listed above, further exploring the origins and implementation of the Great Reset.
Animation Predicting the Future – An animated British propaganda film priming viewers to welcome a dystopian future of AI-controlled technocratic communism.
Why the Bill Gates Global Health Empire Promises More Empire and Less Public Health. Article cataloging the series of conflicts of interest and compromised funding relationships at the core of Bill Gates’ global presence in pharmaceuticals, public health, and at the World Health Organization.
Climate Lockdowns Are Coming. A three-part article reviewing the attempted plans to implement permanent rolling “climate lockdowns,” along with an exploration of the philosophical and technocratic roots behind this idea and its proliferation.
Globalists embrace leveraging social media, location & behavioral data for alternative credit scoring. A summary of current technocratic efforts to impose a social credit system on global society.
Prepping for a cyber pandemic: Cyber Polygon 2021 to stage supply chain attack simulation. Article summarizing Klaus Schwab’s foretelling of and planned authoritarian measures to respond to a hypothetical global computer virus “pandemic.”
D. The Origins of Covid
Coronavirus Origins Special Investigative Report. A fifteen-minute televised news report presented by Steve Hilton regarding the origins of covid-19, links to US-commissioned research, and conflicts of interest therein.
David Martin interview on the Stew Peters show. Martin provides details on evidence of the creation of the covid spike protein over the course of 20 years of patent application and filings.
How China Caused the World to Lock Down. In-depth and thought-provoking video interview of Michael Senger by Robert Spalding, summarizing Senger’s research and findings regarding China’s direct and indirect role in promoting the global lockdown response to covid.
China’s Global Lockdown Propaganda Campaign. Article by Michael Senger, focused on China’s social media, twitter bot, and global propaganda campaigns conducted in the early months of lockdown, with the objective of inducing the rest of the world into copying China’s lockdown response to covid-19.
Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with US Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research. Article detailing the flow of funding from Fauci’s NIAID through EcoHealth Alliance to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for gain of function research into coronaviruses found in bats.
The Origin of the Species — and of our Viral Issue. Video exploration by Ivor Cummins and Gabor Erdosi detailing the evidence and reasoning to infer the likelihood of the lab origins of SarsCov2.
What Happened in Wuhan? Questions still linger on the origin of the coronavirus. Televised 60 minutes report on evidence pointing to a lab origin of SarsCov2
Plandemic 2: Indoctornation – This full-length documentary by Mikki Willis, along with its teaser-length predecessor, Plandemic, reportedly achieved around a billion views globally before the corporate press and tech giants began to systematically smear the film and censor it. View for yourself, and I believe you will discover that the reason these films were systematically attacked was due to their fearless exposure of global corruption in world governments, NGOs, tech, pharma, and media, specifically in relation to covid.
E. Concerns and Warnings about the mRNA Covid Shots
Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic — Benefits versus Risks. Video Interview of Geert Vanden Bossche, Phd, DVM by Dr. Philip McMillan regarding the safety risks to individuals and the public at large regarding the newly released SarsCov2 gene-therapy vaccines.
A Coming Covid Catastrophe. A video breakdown of the Vanden Bossche interview listed above with commentary from Del Bigtree regarding implications of the information shared.
Spike Protein & Immune Escape – Bret Weinstein and Steve Kirsch discuss dangers of the mRNA covid shots with Dr. Robert Malone, one of the inventors of mRNA injection technology, who has come forward to warn against the dangers inherent in the technology he helped to develop.
Meeting of the COVID-19 Giants with Geert Vanden Bossche and Robert Malone MD — Vanden Bossche and Dr. Malone meet for this collaborative interview and compare notes regarding their scientific conerns and warnings regarding the covid shots.
18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a Covid Vaccine. An excellent written summary of the primary issues to consider regarding the gene therapy covid shots — issues largely censored or ignored in the mainstream media outlets.
Peter Doshi: Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% effective” vaccines — we need more details and the raw data. Article detailing the numerous unanswered questions in the data released by Pfizer and Moderna regarding their claims of product efficacy.
Dr. Mike Yeadon interview with Del Bigtree on the Highwire – This 90 minute interview gives Yeadon the opportunity to thoroughly explain his perspective on the mRNA shots, along with the scientific justification for his warnings.
Doctors & Scientists Write to European Medicines Agency Warning of COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers. Article summarizing safety concerns of prominent doctors and scientists regarding the gene-therapy SarsCov2 vaccines.
Moderna’s Top Scientist: ‘We are actually hacking the software of life.’ Article detailing the prevailing perspective at Moderna, in which human beings are likened to computers to be reprogrammed by genetically-engineered mRNA injections.
F. The Suppression of Covid Information, including Effective Covid Treatments
Covid, Ivermectin, and the Crime of the Century: DarkHorse Podcast with Dr. Pierre Kory & Bret Weinstein – Kory and Weinstein explore the track record of ivermectin at great length, bringing to light the numerous benefits of this medication, and the unconscionable efforts by governments and other institutions to suppress knowledge and use of this treatment.
Joe Rogan Experience with Bret Weinstein and Pierre Kory – Weinstein and Kory bring their discussion of ivermectin and official censorship to the Joe Rogan Show.
Winning the War Against Therapeutic Nihilism & Trusted Treatments vs. Untested Novel Therapies — World renowned cardioligst Dr. Peter McCullough delivers a comprehensive lecture about effective early treatment and prevention of covid, the shortcomings of the covid injections, and the catastrophic effects of institutional suppression of life-saving medicine and front-line doctors like McCullough, fighting to save the lives of covid patients.
30 Facts You NEED to Know: Your Covid Cribsheet – A succinct summary of the most important factual evidence dispelling the prevailing narrative of authoritarian covid governance.
The Zelenko Protocol — Treatment protocol developed by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko for the effective treatment of covid, especially for early treatment, with supporting research and options for various approaches included.
Front-Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) — Early Treatment, Preventative and Recovery Protocols developed by Dr. Paul Marik for the benefit of covid treatment and improved medical care outcomes.
G. Vaccine Safety
1986 – The ACT – Comprehensive documentary film explaining the history of government-pharma corruption and the effects of this on vaccines.
Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys Big Pharma, Fauci & Pro-Vaccine Movement — This Valuetainment interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. provides an excellent summary of the evidence, facts, history, and reasoning underlying the vaccine safety and medical freedom movements.
Relative Risk Reduction Can Be Relatively Misleading – A quick, three-minute primer on how to understand the difference between relative and absolute risk reduction (useful when evaluating claims of covid shot efficacy).
H. The Dangers of Authoritarianism
Nick Hudson Interview – The Covid Operation as a Battle of Ideologies — Nick Hudson is the founder of PANDA, a collective of researchers and care providers providing data and data analysis about covid, effective treatments, and ineffective responses, in contravention of the global censorship and information suppression regime. He delivers an incisive summary of the situation we face in the world today, and some of the mass psychological factors influencing the credulity of the populace.
Naomi Wolf: We’ve Reached ‘Step Ten’ of the 10 Steps to Fascism. Article by Naomi Wolf detailing the ways the US Government, alongside other Western Democracies have used the declared covid pandemic to justify the suppression of civil rights, reaching the final step in a progression of steps that lead from democracy to fascism.
92 Year Old Holocaust Survivor Brings Crowd to Tears. In this video, a Holocaust survivor addresses the crowd at a lockdown protest in Canada, recalling her experiences under Nazi rule, with comparison to the present moment.
Pastor James Coates sits down with Rebel News for first interview after release from jail. Rebel News filmed interview with a Canadian pastor jailed for holding church services.
The False and Exaggerated Claims Still Being Spread About the Capitol Riot. Article by Glen Greenwald exposing the false media narrative regarding the Capitol Riot in protest of Congressional certification of the electoral vote.
As the Insurrection Narrative Crumbles, Democrats Cling to it More Desperately Than Ever. Follow-up article by Glen Greenwald on the same subject as listed above.
I. Open Letters and Exposé Documents
The Great Barrington Declaration. The case against lockdowns, articulated by preeminent epidemiologists, and co-signed by thousands of doctors, scientists, medical professionals, and citizens.
The Covid Network Complex. — For a very deep dive into the networked relationships of technocracy, centered on the world’s most influential NGOs, peruse this extensively researched and detailed document. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, The Wellcome Trust, The World Economic Forum, and other players on the technocratic stage can be traced in terms of publicly disclosed funding relationships and connections. This is the dossier that lays out the whole map of world technocracy.
The Spartacus Covid Letter — This anonymous letter went viral in September, 2021 despite considerable censorship efforts. The article is written with from a scientific basis of knowledge, and is fully referenced with no less than 550 citations to back up the conclusions presented. The letter covers the composition and mechanism of action of SarsCov2 in the body, with further information regarding covid, effective and ineffective treatments, issues related to the covid shots, and much more.
Call for a Full and Unrestricted International Forensic Investigation into the Origins of COVID-19. An open letter signed by an international group of scientists, researchers, and academics detailing the case for the likelihood of the lab leak origin of SarsCov2
Urgent Open Letter from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency regarding COVID-19 Vaccines Safety Concerns. Letter calling for the discontinuation of the SarsCov2 gene therapy vaccines due to concerns regarding specific safety risks, signed by numerous prominent doctors, research scientists and academics.
Open Letter from Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD, regarding critical safety concerns for individuals and regarding public health related to the promulgation of SarsCov2 gene-therapy vaccines.
Request for Expedited Federal Investigation Into Scientific Fraud in Public Health Policies — Open Letter. This letter, co-authored by American attorney Michael Senger, petitions the FBI to investigate China’s role in originating the global lockdown response and the role of international public health officials and scientific experts in uncritically, even fraudulently, accepting and propagating adoption of the Chinese response.
The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier. A lengthy report prepared by David Martin that details the actions of Dr. Anthony Fauci in relation to covid-19, conflicts of interest, gain-of-function research, and other activities. Martin focuses on the filing and ownership of patents as the basis of his investigation and compiles a list of criminal violations of federal law Fauci is guilty of, alongside justification for these allegations.
The American Empire and Its Media. A series of charts and links mapping out media membership in the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, and Trilateral Commission, along with membership of other prominent politicians and members of government, academics, corporate and unincoporated institutional entities of influence.
J. Technocratic Planning Documents and White Papers
Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. Written by the Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network in 2010, this document contains an envisioned future world scenario called “Lock Step” (beginning on page 18 of the program agenda). The Lock Step scenario foretells key aspects of the real-life events of 2020, including China’s imposition of a general quarantine and mask mandate that other nations soon copy, and the failure of governments to relinquish their new authoritarian powers after attaining them.
Event 201 Website. The official website of Event 201, a pandemic planning exercise sponsored by the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, conducted in October 2019. Event 201 envisioned a future novel coronavirus pandemic and recommended various measures that were implemented in 2020, including coordinated censorship regimes.
Exploring Biodigital Convergence. A planning document/white paper produced by Policy Horizons, a think tank sponsored by the Canadian Government, detailing the planned-for transhuman future in which technology fundamentally transforms what it means to be a human being through introduction of genetic modification, AI, and internet access integrated into the body, and ubiquitous nanotechnology and mass surveillance.
Cass Sunstein: Symposium on Conspiracy Theories – Sunstein is Harvard Law Professor who served as Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs from 2009-2012. In this white paper, Sunstein proposes that government agents infiltrate groups that believe in what he labels “conspiracy theories” (i.e. beliefs counter to official government-sanctioned narratives) through a process called “cognitive infiltration.” This process amounts to the seeding of disinformation through covert means (via agents provocateurs) in hopes that the disinformation will be believed and repeated, thus discrediting the group by polluting organic critiques of official corruption with seeded disinformation planted by the corrupt government.
The First Global Revolution. 1991 treatise released by the Club of Rome, anticipating problems and detailing proposals for managing the planet Earth in the decades to come, according to a technocratic imperative.
4. Websites to facilitate further covid research
The channels, websites, articles, and videos listed above are offered in order to promote access to uncensored material for those who have not encountered it and don’t know where to find it. In the citizen’s search for truth, these sites need to be supplemented with independent research. The following sites provide links to news, articles, studies, and data to facilitate that research process.
PANDA — Pandemics, Data, & Analytics - A multidisciplinary resource for articles, data, and analysis, with specific focus on the efficacy of lockdowns, accuracy regarding case and death reporting, and other pertinent concerns regarding the covid response.
Front-Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) — In addition to the early treatment, preventative and recovery protocols previously linked, this site also provides ongoing updates and research regarding covid, its mechanism of action, and effective treatment, among other issues.
Collateral Global — This site is another great repository of articles and data regarding lockdown harms and the evidence that backs up the dissenting view.
Swiss Policy Research — This website is an impressive comprehensive compendium of linked articles and data points as counterpoints to the corporate-state official media narrative regarding covid.
Rational Ground – A combination of news, articles, and reference to data concerning covid policies and interventions.
NVIC – The National Vaccine Information Center – General source of information and resources related to all things vaccines.
America’s Frontline Doctors – Resource and news update site led by clinical physicians conducting covid treatment, with a critical perspective regarding prevailing governmental measures and policies.
Ivor Cummins — Data on Lockdown Harms and Lack of Efficacy — Ivor Cummins has been a tireless researcher and voice of reason throughout the 2020 lockdown fiasco. The page linked above is a collection of 40 different studies and articles making the case for the harms caused by lockdowns and the lack of efficacy of lockdowns.
National Vaccine Information Center VAERS Database. Online sortable database of reported vaccine injuries and deaths, able to sort for time frames, demographic information, and types of vaccines.
Open VAERS Project – A website offering more easily digestible data procured from VAERS.
5. The Science
And finally, for the diehard researchers out there, a chance to dive into scientific literature itself. There’s been a lot of talk about following “The Science” these days. What that really means is “Believe whatever the corporate media and government tell you to believe, and obey them accordingly.”
But for those of us who are actually interested in science—here it is!
I have briefly summarized my understanding of the following studies from published scientific and medical journals according to issue group. The studies are all in reference to the covid gene therapy shots (referred to as “vaccines”) and the potential dangers they pose to individuals and the public at large.
For convenience, I will refer to these shots as vaccines in the rest of this section although I do not agree that they are vaccines, since their properties do not fit the definition of a vaccine: They do not introduce a dead or weakened form of the pathogen into the body as vaccines do; instead, the shots infect host cells and reprogram them to manufacture the pathogen. Further, the body’s response to the induced production of pathogens does not provide immunity, does not prevent infection, and does not prevent transmission, as is the case with actual vaccines.
The issue categories are as follows:
A. Spike Proteins
These studies demonstrate the mechanism of pathogenic action in the SarsCov2 spike proteins, highlighting their ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, causing blood clots in the brain (strokes) and elsewhere in the body, as well as neurodegeneration, inflammation, and cell/tissue damage. The studies demonstrate that these harms are caused not only by the spike proteins attached to the SarsCov2 virus itself, but also by the spike proteins produced in the body due to the covid vaccines. In addition, the studies provide evidence that the spike proteins produced in the body due to the covid vaccines do not stay localized to the injection site, but spread throughout the body via the vascular system.
The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alters barrier function in 2D static and 3D microfluidic in-vitro models of the human blood-brain barrier – Neurobiology of Disease
Potential adverse events in Japanese women who received tozinameran (BNT162b2, Pfizer-BioNTech) – Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia after ChAdOx1 nCov-19 Vaccination – The New England Journal of Medicine
Circulating Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients – Oxford Academic
Thrombotic thrombocytopenia associated with COVID-19 infection of vaccination: Possible paths to platelet factor 4 autoimmunity – PLOS Medicine
SARS-CoV-2 binds platelet ACE2 to enhance thrombosis in COVID-19 – Journal of Hematology & Oncology
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Induces Paracrine Senescence and Leukocyte Adhesion in Endothelial Cells – Journal of Virology
IL-6 Trans-Signaling via the Soluble IL-6 Receptor: Importance for the Pro-Inflammatory Activities of IL-6 – International Journal of Biological Sciences
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein promotes IL-6 trans-signaling by activation of angiotensin II receptor signaling in epithelial cells – PLOS Pathogens
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2 – Circulation Research
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein interactions with amyloidogenic proteins: Potential clues to neurodegenderation – Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
B. Vaccine Enhanced Immune Escape
This next collection of studies present the evidence to demonstrate that the covid vaccines create the conditions necessary to generate virus variants in those who receive the shots. This is because the effects of the shots do not eliminate the virus in the body, but only some of it. As a result, the most resilient variants are promoted through adaptive selection, and then they spread to others and continue replication.
SARS-CoV-2 immune evasion by the B.1.427/B.1.429 variant of concern – Science
Rates of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and vaccination impact the fate of vaccine-resistant strains – Scientific Reports
Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens – PLOS Biology
C. Antibody Dependent Enhancement
The next set of studies demonstrate the danger of antibody dependent enhancement when the virus has mutated through enhanced immune escape so as to resist the artificially induced antibodies produced by the pharmaceutical intervention. The antibodies will still swarm the virus, but will be unable to destroy it. They end up acting as something of a shield, allowing the virus to survive and infect cells unobstructed.
Caution Raised over SARS vaccine – Nature
Antibody-dependent enhancement of coronavirus – International Journal of Infectious Diseases
A perspective on potential antibody-dependent enhancement of SARS-CoV-2 – Nature
D. Autoimmune Risk from Covid Vaccines
These studies discuss the widespread autoimmune responses found in animal test subjects that developed as a result of the failed SARS (SarsCov1) vaccine attempts, which relied on producing antibody responses to the SarsCov1 spike proteins, just as today’s mRNA shots rely on the production of antibodies specific to the SarsCov2 spike proteins. In addition, the new mRNA shots are causing endogenous human cells to produce spike protein pathogens, so the body’s immune response to these pathogens are by definition, an autoimmune response (the body’s immune system attacking the body’s own cells). It is unknown whether this induced autoimmunity will lead to expanded autoimmunity issues in the body with the passage of time.
SARS vaccine linked to liver damage in ferret study – Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy
Evaluation of modified vaccinia virus Ankara based recombinant SARS vaccine in ferrets – Vaccine
Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical illness in COVID-19 via autoimmunity – Journal of Translational Autoimmunity
E. Pre-Existing Immunity
These studies demonstrate evidence of natural immunity to SARS (SarsCov1) in 2003 persisting in infected individuals 17 years after the original infection—and counting. Not only that, the evidence in the study cited shows that SarsCov1 immunity also provides immunity to SarsCov2, even though these two viruses are far more divergent from each other than the SarsCov2 variants are from each other.
SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell immunity in cases of COVID-19 and SARS, and uninfected controls – Nature
F. Lack of Efficacy in Covid Vaccines and Vaccine Injury
These studies touch on several areas relevant to the efficacy of covid vaccines. The difference between absolute risk reduction and relative risk reduction is addressed when citing efficacy rates. The efficacy of targeting both S and M proteins in the SARS virus is also established. This demonstrates the weak and leaky nature of the SarsCov2 vaccines, which only target the S proteins, adding to the risk of vaccine enhanced immune escape, antibody dependent enhancement, and autoimmune risk. The poor design of the vaccine is demonstrated with evidence of significant declines in the presence of antibodies 6 months after inoculation. In addition, the reliability of VAERS is examined, verifying the accuracy of the numerous death and injury reports.
COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness—the elephant (not) in the room – The Lancet
SARS patients-derived human recombinant antibodies to S and M proteins efficiently neutralize SARS-coronavirus infectivity – Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
Reduced sensitivity of SARS-CoV-2 variant Delta to antibody neutralization — Nature
G. Efficacy of Ivermectin in Treating and Preventing Covid
Despite the corporate press misleading viewers about ivermectin by calling it “horse dewormer” (and thereby dissuading viewers from accessing effective medicine that could prevent their deaths), there actually exist a numerous collection of studies demonstrating the effectiveness of ivermectin in treating and preventing covid. The studies below show that ivermectin cures covid in less than 6 days in most people, how it prevents the replication of SarsCov2, leads to faster recovery, how it binds to spike proteins to block the virus, and how it can be safely used as a prophilaxis to prevent SarsCov2 infection.
Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines – American Journal of Therapeutics
Effect of a combination of nitazoxanide, ribavirin, and ivermectin plus zinc supplement (MANS.NRIZ study) on the clearance of mild COVID-19 – Journal of Medical Virology
A five-day course of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 may reduce the duration of illness – International Journal of Infectious Diseases
The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro – Antiviral Research
Ivermectin is a potent inhibitor of flavivirus replication specifically targeting NS3 helicase activity: new prospects for an old drug – Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Exploring the binding efficacy of ivermectin against the key proteins of SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis: an in silico approach – Future Virology
Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Topical Ivermectin + Iota-Carrageenan in the Prophylaxis against COVID-19 in Health Personnel – Journal of Biomedical Research and Clinical Investigation
A five-day course of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 may reduce the duration of illness – International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Continuous high-dose ivermectin appears to be safe in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia and could inform clinical repurposing for COVID-19 infection – Leukemia & Lymphoma
H. Efficacy of Fluvoxamine in Treating Covid
Along with ivermectin, evidence has shown that fluvoxamine is an effective medication in the treatment of covid, including long-tail covid, which is demonstrated to be a disease of chronic inflammation.
Fluvoxamine: A Review of Its Mechanism of Action and Its Role in COVID-19 – Frontiers in Pharmacology
Repurposing of CNS drugs to treat COVID-19 infection: targeting the sigma-1 receptor – European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
I. Superiority of Natural Immunity
It has long been common knowledge that the body’s immune system creates lasting immunity to viruses and other infectious diseases following recovery from infection. The whole point of vaccines is to try and activate this natural immune process via safe exposure to a weakened or dead sample of the pathogen. The trade-off is that vaccine-induced immunity is not as robust or long-lasting as immunity incurred from contracting and clearing the actual disease. As a result, vaccines are not given to those who already have natural immunity.
Since the very beginning of the covid pandemic declaration, world governments and the corporate press have engaged in extensive speculation (without evidence) that natural immunity might not apply to covid—that covid would be different from previous viruses. The studies below put those speculations to rest, demonstrating that natural immunity to covid is indeed robust and long-lasting, even lifelong. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that covid vaccination provides no benefit and is therefore unnecessary to a person who has already had covid, cleared it, and enjoys natural immunity as a result.
Necessity of COVID-19 vaccination in previously infected individuals – medRxiv
SARS-CoV-2 infection induces long-lived bone marrow plasma cells in humans – Nature
Had COVID? You’ll probably make antibodies for a lifetime – Nature
Quantifying the risk of SARS‐CoV‐2 reinfection over time – Reviews in Medical Virology
Oh my gosh! You are a world class truth-seeker and truth-talker. Thank you... thank you... thank you... thank you... thank you. I will be sharing your work widely.
You've provided some depth and breadth here - I'm grateful that you've take the time to articulate what happened for you (and is happening for others) in such a way to truly see it for what it is. Your list of resources is comprehensive and helpful for anyone continually shifting from msm/legacy media sources. Thank you for comprising such an extensive list