Dear Relendra, sharing this in case you are not yet familiar with this information. A detailed post with lots of profoundly important information i wasn't wholly aware of. Might be of interest to you as well ❤️
Thank you, yes, I am familiar with Kennedy's efforts to block Israel from becoming a nuclear power, as well as his strong relationship with Nasser in Egypt (which this article does not talk much about). From what I have read/heard, Nasser was crushed when he heard of Kennedys death - Kennedy was in strong support of neutral alignment and nationalist independence in the third world, and very much against imperialism - his support for Nasser, as well as other third world leaders was in service of this vision.
It's not possible to determine that the Mossad/Israeli leadership was behind Kennedy's assassination or involved at all, just from recognition of Kennedys's death strongly serving their interests. There were many interests strongly opposed to Kennedy. Most of the evidence regarding the people who carried out the assassination points to the confluence of CIA contractors, organized crime, and right-wing paramilitary operatives, drawing especially from the groups of people who had been organizing against and launching raids and espionage against Castro since 1960.
Those groups can be understood as the mechanics and facilitators of the assassination. But who were the sponsors? That is, who issued the go-ahead for the assassination to occur, and who provided the funding for it to do so? In examining this question, the search is essentially to find the answer to "who really runs the world?" Who is powerful enough to arrange for Kennedy's assassination, secure in the knowledge that they will be protected at the highest levels of government/military/intelligence/media by a cover-up that will be maintained for more than 60 years?
Here, the question of Israel/Mossad is brought in in relation to this question. Certainly we see the ties the Mossad has to American and British intelligence, as well as to organized crime in those countries, especially Meyer Lansky and James Angleton in 1963.
I believe the sponsors ofKennedys's assassination were ultimately transnational or supranational interests of the Anglo-American establishment - interests that have been closely tied to Israel and the Zionist movement pre-Israel.
As to the question of why the Israel project has been so strongly important to those folks, I have never been able to determine to my satisfaction. It has been speculated that this is due to religious or occult motives to fulfill prophesy, or perhaps more cynically, to create a conflict wrapped up with so much occult and religious significance to other people, that the conflict can be continually leveraged for the purposes if divide and rule.
Regardless, I tend not to believe that the Israelis themselves are calling the shots, but that the old money oligarchs of the Anglo-American establishment call the shots for the Israelis and for Mossad, and for the CIA, and for MI6, etc. And that JFK's Israel policy was one if many JFK policies that led to these oligarchs deciding to assassinate him.
Beautiful. Thank you for this thoughtful and detailed reply. Much appreciated. I will consider what you brought up here.
As for the subject, towards the end of your reply, of why israel plays such a supremely important and prominent role for the elite rulers, it seems to me that it might have to do with what a perfect polorizing/dividing agent it functions as. After all, if you're a tiny group of billionaire/trillionaore oligarchs ruling over the masses, the vast majoroty of humanity, then obviously your number one goal is to make sure that the 99% are divided among themselves, hating and fighting each other, right? Well, there doesn't seem to be a more dividing force on this planet then religious tribalism and hostility, and you won't find a more tribalist ANTI-UNITY ethnocentric exclusivist divisive force on this planet then Zionism - that believes that those humans who had a very specific (and childish the God-ignorant) religious label placed on us at birth (in this case, the label of 'jewish') are of a much greater importance and value than the rest of humanity.
And this tribalist exclucivist force achieves its polarizing/antagonizing/dividing effect (the effect that greatly benefits the ruling elite) to an even greater magnitude especially when it is intentionally imposed upon an already existing civilization (as was done with the placement of an exclusivist supremacist tribe right smack in the middle of the muslim world, to provide for the oligarch dividers and rulers of humanity what the managers of the empire call "our unsinkable aircraft carrier in west Asia") to create as much friction, antagonism and polarization as possible among the 99% (and again, the division and pitting of the masses of humanity against each other is clearly the number one goal and survival strategy of a tiny minority elite group that rules over the vast majority)
In this sense, the billionaires' supremacist exclusivist ethnocentric colony in west Asia is like the gift that keeps on giving for the ruling class, creating endless antagonism and war not only in west asia, but also endless polarization and division of 99% all across the planet. What more could an oligarchic elite ask for?
PS. Speaking of the divide and rule strategies of the ruling class, i recently came across this really excellent post that lays it all out in the open, reveals in detail exactly what the elite are doing to divide and rule us. I've known about most of these strategies before, but never saw it laid out so systematically a d clearly and comprehensively in one place. So as i was mentioning here the subject of divide-and-rule, something in me felt prompted to share it witb you, in case it might be of some value to you as well (to note, it is written in a sarcastic tone, as if it is an instruction manual for a billionaire on how to to be an effective oligarch and retain the position at the top of the pyramid, how to deceive and divide-and-rule the masses)
My goodness, such richness to dig into (still didn't). Love it and looking forward to it.
Thank you for doing this 🙏
You're Welcome!
Wow that’s incredible research. Even Oliver Stone didn’t go to the depths as you did here. Bravo
Thank you Elise!
Dear Relendra, sharing this in case you are not yet familiar with this information. A detailed post with lots of profoundly important information i wasn't wholly aware of. Might be of interest to you as well ❤️
Thank you, yes, I am familiar with Kennedy's efforts to block Israel from becoming a nuclear power, as well as his strong relationship with Nasser in Egypt (which this article does not talk much about). From what I have read/heard, Nasser was crushed when he heard of Kennedys death - Kennedy was in strong support of neutral alignment and nationalist independence in the third world, and very much against imperialism - his support for Nasser, as well as other third world leaders was in service of this vision.
It's not possible to determine that the Mossad/Israeli leadership was behind Kennedy's assassination or involved at all, just from recognition of Kennedys's death strongly serving their interests. There were many interests strongly opposed to Kennedy. Most of the evidence regarding the people who carried out the assassination points to the confluence of CIA contractors, organized crime, and right-wing paramilitary operatives, drawing especially from the groups of people who had been organizing against and launching raids and espionage against Castro since 1960.
Those groups can be understood as the mechanics and facilitators of the assassination. But who were the sponsors? That is, who issued the go-ahead for the assassination to occur, and who provided the funding for it to do so? In examining this question, the search is essentially to find the answer to "who really runs the world?" Who is powerful enough to arrange for Kennedy's assassination, secure in the knowledge that they will be protected at the highest levels of government/military/intelligence/media by a cover-up that will be maintained for more than 60 years?
Here, the question of Israel/Mossad is brought in in relation to this question. Certainly we see the ties the Mossad has to American and British intelligence, as well as to organized crime in those countries, especially Meyer Lansky and James Angleton in 1963.
I believe the sponsors ofKennedys's assassination were ultimately transnational or supranational interests of the Anglo-American establishment - interests that have been closely tied to Israel and the Zionist movement pre-Israel.
As to the question of why the Israel project has been so strongly important to those folks, I have never been able to determine to my satisfaction. It has been speculated that this is due to religious or occult motives to fulfill prophesy, or perhaps more cynically, to create a conflict wrapped up with so much occult and religious significance to other people, that the conflict can be continually leveraged for the purposes if divide and rule.
Regardless, I tend not to believe that the Israelis themselves are calling the shots, but that the old money oligarchs of the Anglo-American establishment call the shots for the Israelis and for Mossad, and for the CIA, and for MI6, etc. And that JFK's Israel policy was one if many JFK policies that led to these oligarchs deciding to assassinate him.
Beautiful. Thank you for this thoughtful and detailed reply. Much appreciated. I will consider what you brought up here.
As for the subject, towards the end of your reply, of why israel plays such a supremely important and prominent role for the elite rulers, it seems to me that it might have to do with what a perfect polorizing/dividing agent it functions as. After all, if you're a tiny group of billionaire/trillionaore oligarchs ruling over the masses, the vast majoroty of humanity, then obviously your number one goal is to make sure that the 99% are divided among themselves, hating and fighting each other, right? Well, there doesn't seem to be a more dividing force on this planet then religious tribalism and hostility, and you won't find a more tribalist ANTI-UNITY ethnocentric exclusivist divisive force on this planet then Zionism - that believes that those humans who had a very specific (and childish the God-ignorant) religious label placed on us at birth (in this case, the label of 'jewish') are of a much greater importance and value than the rest of humanity.
And this tribalist exclucivist force achieves its polarizing/antagonizing/dividing effect (the effect that greatly benefits the ruling elite) to an even greater magnitude especially when it is intentionally imposed upon an already existing civilization (as was done with the placement of an exclusivist supremacist tribe right smack in the middle of the muslim world, to provide for the oligarch dividers and rulers of humanity what the managers of the empire call "our unsinkable aircraft carrier in west Asia") to create as much friction, antagonism and polarization as possible among the 99% (and again, the division and pitting of the masses of humanity against each other is clearly the number one goal and survival strategy of a tiny minority elite group that rules over the vast majority)
In this sense, the billionaires' supremacist exclusivist ethnocentric colony in west Asia is like the gift that keeps on giving for the ruling class, creating endless antagonism and war not only in west asia, but also endless polarization and division of 99% all across the planet. What more could an oligarchic elite ask for?
PS. Speaking of the divide and rule strategies of the ruling class, i recently came across this really excellent post that lays it all out in the open, reveals in detail exactly what the elite are doing to divide and rule us. I've known about most of these strategies before, but never saw it laid out so systematically a d clearly and comprehensively in one place. So as i was mentioning here the subject of divide-and-rule, something in me felt prompted to share it witb you, in case it might be of some value to you as well (to note, it is written in a sarcastic tone, as if it is an instruction manual for a billionaire on how to to be an effective oligarch and retain the position at the top of the pyramid, how to deceive and divide-and-rule the masses)