Greetings from the UK where we've been playing The Great Election Game. Except those of us who haven't - it's the first time in my adult life that I haven't voted. You could call it conscious electoral dissent, or something

"Everywhere I look, people are heartbroken, defeated, spiritually desolate, wandering aimlessly in the wasteland of dispelled illusions." May I offer a different take on this? I wish MORE people would get like this. I've come to the conclusion that dis-illusion - the getting free from illusions that limit and entrap you - is a necessary and productive step. And in the secular, literal-minded West, some of the old texts such as The Pilgrim's Progress have wisdom on this.


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I appreciated your article on British politics Alex, thank you for sharing! Interesting that you also wrote about disillusionment in yours. Yes, I had heard about the dramatic lack of turnout in the UK election just recently. It's the first election I can remember hearing about in which the prevailing party achieved a landslide as a result of losing substantially fewer votes than everyone else, and yet also still losing votes!

I'm not sure if you made it to the end of my article in which I expressed solidarity with your sentiment in favor of disillusionment - how we need to be dispelled of our illusions in order to take action and live in accordance with what is really true. So yes, I'm with you on this!

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Yes, I did although it was late here and I wasn't reading closely. Wanted to share on the common theme really.

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