So much to absorb. Thank you. As a world B citizen, my nervous system is currently on high alert. No wonder. Time to elder.

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We all need help with our nervous system these days.

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Raelle, this is quite brilliant and expresses so much of what I have been feeling from a British perspective. I've written about the sudden and undiscussed change to the social contract myself (I call it 'the health state') and wondered why there's so little willingness to have any kind of public debate about such momentous changes, even by those who strongly oppose the measures of the past two years. The answer is, of course, the political immaturity you identify - a psycho-social inability to take responsibility and a desire to have 'authorised' humans act as lifelong parents. Thank you for articulating this so clearly.

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Yes, we may all have heard the buzz word that we are in a "post-truth" age now. The advantage of such an age (to the powerful) is that inconvenient realities such as the dissolution of the social contract can be safely ignored. All that is required is continued belief in the overlords. I'm so glad my article resonated with you!

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Thank you for this beautiful and brilliant summation of what we've learned from the last two years.

I try not to be pessimistic, but I don't see how that the wall between World A and World B can be breached. People here in Virtuous Vermont are still masking up in many places even when the "rules" say they don't have to. It's as if the masks will be the one last plank these fearful people will cling to after the ship of jabs, lockdowns, and anti-social distancing has sunk. It remains to be seen whether the unelected bureaucrats who run our lives now will try to bring back those restrictions and mandates this fall, using some new scary variant or "cases" as the excuse.

On a more personal level, someone I had thought of as my best friend of 25 years accused me of being a murderer and a conspiracy theorist for not getting jabbed. I don't see how this friendship can be healed, given that she's in World A and I'm in World B.

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The wall can't be breached, I believe you're quite right. It is, however, the case, that most everyone in World B used to live in World A (unless they were born into a family already living in some kind of World B reality). In considering what it took for us to find our way out, we can identify some of the conditions required for others to make the same journey. But there does not seem to be anything that can accomplish this on a mass scale. Mass scale shifts tend to be in the control of the World A operators, who run the switchboard and program installations into receptive minds.

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It is easier to survive World B reality when surrounded by community who also shares that reality. My community splintered the moment I uttered the words “I won’t be jabbing myself or my kids”. Heck, my family splintered. Luckily, I joined the NAAS community and albeit online, it tethered me stronger to World B and gave me hope that I’m not alone. Now, like you, I haven’t met a single person who regrets living in World B reality but plenty of people who regret believing the reality of World A.

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That's the advantage of continuing to live in World A. As long as you stay there, you never have to face that regret! Until life pulls the rug out from under you.

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Hello, what is NAAS?

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It’s a social network inspired by the writing of contemporary philosopher Charles Eisenstein who speaks of “a New And Ancient Story” which the community acronymed.

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Ok, thank you!

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Wow. Thank you for this; an absolutely brilliant read.

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You're welcome!

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This is an especially beautiful and powerful condemnation as well as call to action. Will they hear the call?

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No. ha ha. But articles like this might help clarify the situation for those of us who already do, and help keep us grounded in our centers. Eventually the steadfast calm confidence that comes with this starts to seep through to others, little by little.

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I spoke with three new people today who are aware of what's going on. 3 out of 22. Are there more that we are not aware of? The odds don't seem good, but its so good to share and find others who know.

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That sounds about right - somewhere around 15%? Which on the one hand is discouraging because we need more, but on the other hand is hopeful, because for such a cataclysmic worldview change that's required for most people to get this, the fact that 15% are already there is encouraging.

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A brilliant depiction, thank you. Sadly those around me entrenched in World A remain resistant to such illumination.

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Ain't it the truth?

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Hi Raelle, I first read this back on April 23 and it is still the most eloquent and poignant piece of writing to address this topic I have come across. During this time of "pause" it's important to reflect and stay in a state of high vibration. Thank you for sharing the gift of your writing. Light and love to you.

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Thanks you so much! Light and love back to you. We have the power the raise our frequencies!

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What an amazing piece! I am just discovering you and your work. So much to reflect on! I am grateful for you, your articulate thoughts, your authenticity we can really access in the text. I will dive deeper in more of what you write and I will subscribe at once! Beautiful. Love from Norway. Patricia

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