It was March 1, 2020, and I was about to emerge from a week-long silent retreat at a spiritual community in Costa Rica. During this week, the other participants and I did not speak, nor were we spoken to, except by the retreat leader. We would gather twice a day as a group, and the retreat leader would speak to us for an hour or so, mostly about silence, consciousness, and helpful insights intended to deepen the benefits of our practice of silence during the retreat.
On the final day of the retreat, however, he mentioned something else. We were told that the world had changed during our week of silence, and we were about to emerge into a very different world than the one we left behind when our silence began. The retreat leader explained to us that the dangerous virus circulating in China was now spreading around the world, and was more dangerous and more contagious than people had previously recognized.
He explained to us that the origin of this virus was due to human encroachment on the natural world—that the virus had originated from bats and transmitted to strange creatures called pangolins before jumping to humans. Had human beings left these creatures alone in nature, we would have been safe from this virus, but human unconsciousness and greed for development had brought this new disease upon us. Big changes were in store for the world. He couldn’t predict exactly what those changes would look like, but many aspects of human life would be altered to protect us from this new threat—out of necessity.
I didn’t know quite what to make of his warnings. I had heard of the virus in Wuhan already, and I had heard about the Chinese lockdowns. I hadn’t paid much attention to it. There had been so many media scares over the years about the next big outbreak. These had always turned out to be very minor in their impact. Likewise, China’s draconian response just seemed to be China being China. I knew there were big anti-authoritarian protests in Hong Kong going on at the time, and the Wuhan lockdowns seemed like a bid from the Chinese government to flex its muscle and squash the protests by scaring and abusing the public. I also wasn’t sure what to make of the story about the pangolin, but it seemed plausible enough. It fit in with the green narrative I had become attuned to—that human overpopulation and overdevelopment were severely threatening the natural world, and that the blowback from human excesses was now disrupting our own man-made world and lifestyle in numerous ways that would continue to mount as time progressed.
A few days later, the retreat was over, and I was on my way back to Portland, Oregon in the US. I saw the first signs of the global lockdowns at the airport in Costa Rica. A number of flights had been canceled, with signs declaring which countries could no longer be flown to due to emergent conditions of the contagion. When I boarded my plane home, the flight was half empty. I spoke with a friendly older gentleman sitting next to me as we settled in, agreeing to leave an empty seat between us for greater comfort, since there was no third passenger in our row.
We got to talking, and the man mentioned to me that he was a retired employee of the NSA (National Security Agency), one of the United States’ premier intelligence gathering agencies. I remarked that I had also served the US Government as a Peace Corps Volunteer and that my father had worked for the NSA for about a year back in the 1960s, as an alternative means of completing his stint with the Navy.
Perhaps this increased his comfort with me, and talk turned to the virus. He confided in me that he was in contact with a number of his friends who still had ties to the US intelligence apparatus, and they were all positive that the virus from China was actually a bioweapon that had leaked from a military bioweapons research facility in Wuhan. This was the first I had heard of this theory, and perhaps my chance encounter with this fellow on the plane back home started me out on a different footing than most in regarding the question of what was really true about the dreaded coronavirus (as it was still called in those early days, before universally coming to be known as COVID-19).
For the next few months, I entertained the possibility of both the natural origin and the lab leak theory, and during those months, fearing that it might indeed be a bioweapon, and alarmed by the unprecedented gravity of the lockdowns that soon swept the world, I was actually more afraid of covid than almost anyone I knew. It seemed likely to me that the government and corporate media were both downplaying how dangerous it actually was—despite all the lockdowns—wanting to conceal its origins as a military weapon so the public would not see the release of the virus as an act of war and plunge the world into global conflict.
I’ve written previously about the journey of discovery covid led me to—how I soon came to understand that the social distancing, lockdowns, and masking measures could never have contained the virus, that the institutions imposing these measures knew this from the start, that the virus was actually far less dangerous than we’d been led to believe, but that it was indeed a bioweapon from the Wuhan Lab (the polite euphemism for bioweapon “gain of function research” notwithstanding). Its creation was partially funded by the US Department of Defense’s technological arm, DARPA, passing through the NIAID under the direction of Dr. Anthony Fauci, then distributed to EcoHealth Alliance for collaboration with the Wuhan Lab.
Denial continues to persist regarding these facts, but by now, in early 2023, widespread acknowledgment of them has also been achieved. What keeps the denial going, though? If we can learn nothing else from the behavior of regular people across the world in response to the virus—complying with the social distancing, lockdown, masking, and vaccine recommendations and mandates—is that the people of the world REALLY did not want covid-19 to enter their bodies. But by now, it has entered the bodies of almost all of us anyway, against our will. Where is the widespread outcry against the bioweapons research of the US and Chinese governments that turned the world upside-down and led to so much destruction? Why are there no recriminations—not even from other countries? Why are there no consequences?
The Attack on the People
The answers to these questions are intertwined with each other. For one thing, as I see it, denial exists because most people simply do not want to believe or cannot bring themselves to believe that our governments have become so corrupt and so dangerous. Nor can they understand or come to terms with the lies and cover-ups that were initiated and continue to persist about covid, with concerted coordination among governments, media institutions, NGOs, corporations, and other institutions across the world. Paradoxically, it also seems to be the case that as the truth about covid’s origins and the campaign of deception that followed became more apparent, most people have assumed a fairly resigned attitude toward the whole thing. Even most of those who are wide awake to the institutional corruption behind covid and its response largely seem to accept as a matter of course that our governments and militaries do not work for us but act upon us. The people cannot accept the reality or implications of a global state-military-industrial complex that targets and abuses the people of the world as its real enemy—and have simultaneously become adapted to and inured to this condition.
How could it be the case that the human population of the earth has become the true enemy of the prevailing military powers on the planet, and that actual wars between rival armies have become incidental to this larger war? For many, such an assertion may be hard to believe, or even comprehend. But how else can the course of events from 2019 onward be understood? Let’s walk through it again:
A bioweapon is jointly created by the research arms of the two largest militaries on earth, China and the US. We are supposed to believe that these two powers are rivals—even enemies—and yet they created this thing together. The bioweapon is either accidentally or deliberately released and infects the entire world. We are all fed an absurd narrative about a pangolin and a wet market to explain this virus. We are led to believe the people of the world are at fault—there are too many of us, we’re too greedy, too traditional, too unconscious, too rapacious. Believing or even suggesting the virus could be a bioweapon created by either or both of these powers becomes taboo. Those who break this taboo are uniformly censored, shunned, and deplatformed—despite clear and convincing evidence that this virus was indeed a biological weapon. These facts are later confirmed, over and over again, as the evidence continues to mount.
Both of these powers then impose draconian restrictions on their people, and almost every other country in the world follows suit. Almost none of the governments of the other countries complain or ask questions about whether this virus might actually be a bioweapon created by one or both of these foreign powers. Almost all of them target and punish their own people instead. The regular people who might be infected with this bioweapon are the culprits, not the military researchers who created it. The people’s rights to free movement, association, and speech are taken away. Their social lives are thrown into upheaval. Their sources of income are disrupted or eliminated. Supply chains are disrupted. Their places of business are forcibly closed. Drugs that can be used to treat or prevent illness from the bioweapon, like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, are outlawed. Information regarding the efficacy of over-the-counter vitamins and supplements that can be used to treat or prevent the illness, like vitamins C and D, zinc, and quercetin, is suppressed.
The people are forced to wear humiliating masks that obstruct their breathing. Supposed vaccines are developed and deployed using the very same genetic coding sequences of the virus supplied by those who created the virus. These injections operate by actually reprogramming the recipient’s cells and transforming them into internal production devices that flood the body with the spike proteins that are the very source of illness caused by the bioweapon. The people are mandated to take these shots or else lose their jobs or even more of their rights. State and corporate propaganda engines turn the people against each other. The people are lied to and told the shots will keep them from getting infected by the bioweapon or passing it on to others. The people are told they must now take 3 shots instead of 2, 4 shots instead of 3, 5 shots instead of 4. The shots cause blood clots, strokes, heart inflammation, neurological damage, damage to the reproductive organs, and death. The people are lied to and are told this is not happening.
In every stage of the covid fiasco, it has been the people of the world who have been punished, abused, devastated, blamed, demonized, humiliated, lied to, assaulted, poisoned, gaslighted, and scapegoated. At no stage, at no moment during the covid fiasco, has there ever been any form of punishment, accountability, blame, responsibility, or any consequences whatsoever assigned to the military researchers who funded and created this bioweapon, to the officials in the government or the military who authorized it, to the politicians responsible to the public for overseeing these institutions, to the WHO or medical authorities who betrayed the public trust, or to the manufacturers of the poisonous injections.
At no stage during this fiasco did any government hold responsible the military governments that created this bioweapon and allowed it to infect the world. In almost every case, these governments joined in on the assault and blame of their own people instead—the people of the world who were innocent of creating this bioweapon but were subjected to it, and who were then subjected to the assaults and deprivations of their own governments.
Yes, the militaries and governments of the world are united against a common enemy, and that enemy is you.
Total War
The resources, references, and reasoning that support the understandings related above can be accessed in many of my prior articles, which are indexed in my reference article, How to Inform Oneself when Living under a Censorship Regime, along with a plethora of links to research and sources of information regarding all things covid.
I addressed the question of how all this could have happened in my 2021 article Why Are They Doing This? But now I would like to address the history of how we got here. We need to be able to make sense of the geopolitical realities we live under and how they developed so we can free ourselves from the Hegelian dialectics of party politics as well as the corresponding shell game of war and conflict between nations. War has long ceased to be motivated by a contest of supremacy between nations. The enemy of the belligerent powers has shifted—and has become the people of the world themselves.
This assault against the people of the world is the natural culmination of total war. Total war, as I am using the term, refers to an approach to warfare that views every aspect of society, and every aspect of human life in terms of a war effort. War doesn’t just happen on the battlefield, it happens in the supply chain that creates the weapons, supplies the fuel for the war vehicles, and arms the soldiers. It happens in the banks and investment firms that facilitate these transactions. It happens in the harvesting and distribution of food. It happens through the development and deployment of new technologies that provide an edge against the enemy. It happens in intelligence gathering and surveillance. It happens in public health policies and public opinion. It happens on the news broadcasts, in books, film, and music. It happens in the health and weakness of every human body and every animal. Every single person is a soldier, regardless of whether they carry a weapon. Every single person is either contributing to the war effort or hindering it. Every thought and action of every single person is a potential battlefield, a potential edge to be manipulated and leveraged for greater advantage. Every person’s spiritual motivations, or lack thereof, are calculated in terms of their potential usefulness. Every person’s psychological health and capability is a factor in this war. Every home, every vehicle, every computer, every smart phone, every mind, and every heart. Total war recognizes there are no limits to war. The battlefield is omnipresent.
It can be argued that instances of total war occurred at various intervals throughout human history, but by most accounts, the birth of total war as we know it did not really occur until World War I. This was the moment in history when the European powers and their colonial descendants had finished conquering or subjugating the entire globe. They then turned on each other to vie for supremacy in the conquered world. By this time, technology and industrialization had advanced to the point where a total war approach was truly feasible for the first time. But it wasn’t until World War II that the expression of total war came into full flower. Every person, everywhere in the world, was a potential combatant—a potential slave for the war effort, a potential target of terror and murder, a potential worker, a potential courier of information, a potential propagandist, or a potential spy.
Everyone understood that total war was underway during World War II. But most people thought the total war ended when the shooting stopped. What they didn’t know was that the frontiers of war, and the means of war, had shifted and expanded. We had entered the post-modern age—all definitions were now fluid—all objectives possible. Limits no longer existed.
Something had happened. I believe the development of the atomic bomb did much to transform understandings about the goals of war. With the United States in possession of a weapon like that, and no one else, it would be possible to achieve physical conquest on a scale never-before imagined. But what would be the point? What could be gained by physically occupying and ruling over more territory? Then you would have to manage it. The only real benefit to occupying conquered lands as an imperial power was the satisfaction of controlling the lives of the inhabitants and the extraction of their wealth and resources. But what if you could control the lives of the people and extract their wealth and resources without incurring the management headaches of maintaining an occupying force? Why not let the conquered people attend to the dull, tiresome bureaucratic work of managing their own affairs, as long as an ironclad system of wealth extraction keeps them in thrall?
Under this revolution in thinking regarding warfare, the goals of war transferred away from the occupation of territory and reoriented towards the occupation of the mind and of perception. What could be more satisfying than inducing people to agree to and submit to a monetary system that enriches you and impoverishes them—not at the point of a sword, but because you’ve been able to conquer their mind and spirit? The purpose of war had always been to acquire or hold on to power. In the past, that was accomplished by controlling and occupying land. Henceforth, power would be achieved by controlling and occupying the mind. Physical conquest would only be relevant insofar as it served this new goal.
The Origins of Total War
In the age of traditional warfare, kingdoms, republics, and other entities of governance would raise armies and compete for dominance and spoils. Sometimes, a series of conquests would lead to the establishment of an empire. The ebb and flow of political and material power progressed through the ages until a series of transformations in technology and thought yielded conditions in Europe that made world conquest possible. By the 1880s, the European powers finished carving up the continent of Africa between them, and few places remained in the world that were neither directly ruled by a European power or one of their former colonies, or else subjected to the status of a client state through economic inducements, cooption of the local rulers, and the threat of military action.
The most powerful of the European empires was the British Empire. In fact, by the late 19th century, the British Empire had become the most powerful empire in world history. But the British Empire was reaching the limits of its expansion. Attempting to directly rule over vast territories and the people that lived there proved to be an unwieldy task. Now that the entire world was carved up by the ruling powers, territorial expansion became costly. It begged the question of what objectives further conquest would achieve. Even if the British Empire were able to conquer more of the world and rule it, the only purpose of doing so would be to garner control of greater numbers of people and their resources for the Empire’s ruling class beneficiaries. Through ruling class control of finance, information, and belief, the same objectives can be achieved—but these three levers of control are able to cross international boundaries without direct military rule. Military inducement (or covert coup operations) can be held in reserve to bring nominally sovereign nations back into alignment with the ruling class program of control. A new model began to emerge.
In my summary and resource article Unveiling the Governing Class, I explain how the ruling classes operate as oligarchies, and more to the point, as organized crime networks. Like conventional organized crime, they seek power through secrecy and fraternal, hierarchical societies. Unlike organized crime, these networks control world governments at the highest level, because they control the financial and banking systems and the money supply. The best way to think of this (other than as organized crime) is as an internal, exclusive form of government. A conventional state runs a government to moderate and regulate the conflicting interests and ambitions of its citizens. We are asked to believe that those who sit atop society with great power and wealth do not organize among themselves to similarly moderate and regulate the conflicting interests and ambitions between them. But it is quite clear that they do, and they always have. It is also entirely natural and expected that they would do so.
The structure and processes of these internal, exclusive forms of de facto government are partially secret. In my article cited above, I direct the reader to a few sources of information that report on what is no longer secret about these structures and processes. Some of this knowledge was procured by whistleblowers from within the power structures, some of it through criminal law proceedings, some of it through investigative journalism, some of it by historians. And some of this knowledge has been publicly revealed by those within the structures themselves.
For example, the existence of the Bilderberg Group—one of the global ruling class steering committees—was derided for decades by the corporate press as an unhinged conspiracy theory. Yet it was quite clear during all those decades (to those who chose to look into it) that members of the ruling classes met annually at Bilderberg Conferences since 1954 at alternating locations across the world. It is only in recent years that the Bilderberg Group has dropped its veil of secrecy, openly affirming its existence. Now you can look it up on Wikipedia and read about it as if the established authorities had never hidden it or denied its existence.
As with all of their articles addressing the ruling class steering committees, Wikipedia always throws in a few asides about how it’s a crazy conspiracy theory to believe that the ruling class members of such groups enact or agree upon any kind of agenda at such meetings. We are apparently meant to believe that these titans of finance, state, and industry all gather together to sip tea, scratch their heads and say, “Gee, what a big confusing world it is. I wonder if there’s anyone out there who has a plan to coordinate efforts and resources to bend it to their will. Not us!”
Compare this to the existence of the Italian Mafia in the United States: another (far less powerful) secret society that set up an internal governing system to bend events to its will. For many years, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover vociferously admonished the public that the Mafia didn’t exist at all. We now know he did this because Mafia leaders were blackmailing Hoover with evidence of his gay liaisons and cross-dressing. This is how secret societies work. The collected evidence used to blackmail figures with significant power is called a control file. A great recent example of how control files are compiled can be found in the blackmail ring operated by Jeffery Epstein through his prostitution and child-trafficking network, servicing the rich and powerful. Innumerate examples of such elite blackmail operations exist.
For decades there have been a number of steering committees like the Bilderberg Group in operation. Some famous names include the Trilateral Commission, the World Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Royal Institute on International Affairs. The latter two steering committees have specific origins in the Round Table groups that grew from the efforts of Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner in England in the 1890s. All the major steering committees in the Western World have close social links or overlapping membership with these, as well as with the West’s largest financial institutions and central banks. I use the term “The Network” to refer to this extra-governmental organizational system.
It can be readily deduced that internal hierarchies and systems of command sit behind these steering committees due to the degree of uniformity in major policy and social aims that flow from the Network. The coordinated global response to covid made that clear enough if any doubt had remained. In country after country, institution after institution, media outlet after media outlet—the same phrases were used, the same talking points, the same policy prescriptions. They told the same lies, covered up the same truths, censored the same dissidents. They turned the whole world on its head, disrupting every aspect of human life in the same way. One would have thought if all these oligarchs and world leaders were truly independent, there would have been wide variation in differing responses, especially in light of the evidence that all these leaders and institutions turned out to be wrong about exactly the same things.
We can also infer the presence of an internal hierarchical system in the Network because that was the way Rhodes and Milner set up the initial Round Table groups. These groups, and the Network that grew from them, were the brainchildren of Rhodes. A proud and dedicated English chauvinist, his aim was to promote the continued expansion of the British Empire through a network of secret societies that would influence monetary and governmental policy to that effect. The system was designed by Rhodes (acknowledged by him in his own writings) to mirror the structure of previously established secret societies, especially the Jesuits, the Freemasons, and Adam Weishaupt’s short-lived Illuminati from the late 18th century. This structure was described by Rhodes as consisting of “rings within rings within rings.”
The nexus of power in this secret society originally consisted of Rhodes, Milner, Lord Balfour, Lord Rothschild, and a few other less well-known names. From this nexus, a wider circle of a few dozen members were recruited, but without knowledge that the controlling members operated a secret ring existing at the nexus. Likewise, members of this larger ring would recruit more members into a yet larger set of rings, with several hundred, and then several thousand members in these. Members of these larger rings would not be aware of the smaller secret rings submerged within each one (unless they were a member of the smaller rings themselves), let alone the smaller ring’s membership or method of control.
The formation of the Rhodes-Milner group was documented and sourced by Carol Quigley: historian, Georgetown professor, and mentor to Bill Clinton (who incidentally is himself a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, like many among the US governing elite). One may choose to speculate whether or not the inner rings structure implemented by Rhodes has persisted over the years. Although we have the evidence showing this structure was implemented, it is also inherent to the nature of the inner rings that only those within them know who else is a member, or indeed of the ring’s very existence.
One may also speculate regarding the inner rings of Freemasonry (or tip of the pyramid, as Freemasons associate with that iconography). The vast bulk of Freemasonry is populated by members of the common public, and share no relationship with those in the ruling class. But it is known that members of the ruling class have historically formed exclusive internal secret societies and orders within Freemasonry under the cover of the banal social club of Freemasonry at large. There is good reason to expect that these ruling class inner rings and pyramids of do continue to persist, protected by oaths and rituals of secrecy. It is also quite possible, even probable, that other secret hierarchies have been formed from within the Network, but that the existence of these has not yet been revealed publicly. That is the brilliance of rule by secrecy—power cannot be directly challenged when the membership and structure that wields power is hidden.
In studying the secret societies Rhodes used as his model, he identified the great power inherent in rule by secrecy. Tellingly, the innermost rings of his group were never even given a name. Only the outer rings of Round Tables and steering committees like the Council on Foreign Relations existing in rings further out would be given names or list their membership publicly. This was deliberate. Rhodes understood that Weishaupt’s Illuminati had been successfully stamped out because it could be identified by name. Likewise, the Jesuits were eventually neutralized as well. Again, please refer to my article Unveiling the Governing Class and its links if you would like to engage in the research to verify my summary of what Rhodes created and what flowed from it.
Rhodes died young in 1902, but Lord Milner carried out his designs in the ensuing decades. Rhodes’ initial aim of expanding the British Empire eventually gave way to designs for transnational control of finance, belief, information, and policy as I explained at the beginning of this section of the article. The means of achieving this objective shifted to forming an Anglo-American oligarchic alliance that would rule the world through economic imperialism, controlling policy through infiltration and influence of both governments. A key part of this agenda was to establish a link between the British ruling classes and those in America, notably industrialists like the Rockefellers and Morgans, to whom the center of power in the Network eventually gravitated to. The Royal Institute on International Affairs became the Round Table policy arm that would control the British government, and it’s counterpart, the Council on Foreign Relations, served the same function in the United States.
Rather than territorial conquest, the Round Table model would be to control as much of the world as possible through military pressure and ensuing control of international commerce and finance, as well as via the eventual incorporation of oligarchs from other nations into the Network. All of this was achieved. The Network operates transnationally, without borders, but its military arm is the United States military and NATO. Its global financial control was established through the Breton-Woods system following World War II, centered on the US dollar and British pound, later replaced by Kissinger’s US petrodollar. It is, however, the network of financial institutions and central banks and their control of commerce, industry, media, and government that glues the Network’s operating power together. The Five Eyes intelligence alliance of the UK, US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand—along with funding and links to organized crime network and mercenary groups—provide the means to operate above the law whenever needed.
All of this relates back to total war when one considers the evolving nature of warfare and its objectives. World Wars I and II were fought as total wars, but the objectives of war—to control people and resources—were subsequently to be achieved through means other than conventional warfare. In addition, advancing developments in technology and shifting perspectives on life and the nature of our world revealed new horizons for conquest. Territorial conquest was a petty ambition in comparison to the opportunity to conquer the human mind, heart, and behavior—and to conquer the genome of all forms of life, create new artificial life through computing technology, and more. The promise of technology evoked dreams of godlike power—for those who wielded it.
The Broader Aims of Total War
While men like Rhodes and Milner were rising to power at the zenith of the British Empire, another revolution was also underway, also centered in Britain. In the late 19th century, the theories of Charles Darwin provided the spark that accelerated a conceptual transformation already in progress. Not only were the sciences of physics and chemistry to be understood in terms of a mechanistic process—but biology, life itself, was to become regarded in the same way—completely ruled by random chance. Darwin’s influence is often cited as undermining spiritual understandings by usurping the theory of divine creation with the theory of evolution through natural selection. But it is the role of randomness in his theory that I find to be more influential. After all, there is nothing in the theory of creation through intelligent design that precludes the continuing evolution of life after it was created. It is the deification of randomness that overturned the world.
Randomness replaced God as the end-all-be-all force that created and sustains the whole universe. Randomness became God. Randomness designed all of life. Randomness caused the stars and planets to form, and caused the universe to expand and move. Randomness was responsible for the functions of the human mind, and heart. The entire cosmic play of energy, matter, biological life, and the thoughts, beliefs, longings, heartbreaks, morality, and behaviors of human beings themselves were all scripted by randomness.
The whole drama of human history was rendered as the result of atoms randomly set in motion, colliding with each other accordingly, producing results that must ultimately trace their origins to randomness itself. In terms of biology, this random motion resulted in life forms that competed for survival, simply because those that did not compete and prevail faded out. Even the phenomena of quantum physics are described as random by this understanding—injecting new instances of randomness into a world already set randomly in motion. Presumably the formation of phenomena such as gravity, energy, matter, and motion were also the result of randomly derived principles that just happen to be.
To me, randomness is nothing more than a word used to describe something we are unable to predict—something not understood. In this sense, randomness is much like God. That which is beyond our understanding was traditionally attributed to God. Now it is attributed to randomness. The only real difference between randomness and God is that randomness has no purpose, no objective, and no desire. Randomness became the new God, but a God stripped of purpose, awareness, agency, or goodness.
It is only natural that human beings, suddenly believing themselves to reside in a world bereft of aim or purpose would seek to impose their own aims and purposes upon it. And who better to provide the guiding direction for all things than the ruling class? The philosophy of eugenics developed soon after Darwin exploded onto the scene. The ruling classes who adopted eugenics believed themselves to have achieved their station of dominance via natural selection, validating their superiority. Thenceforth, they would provide the intelligent design previously lacking in the purposeless, random universe. Human beings would be redesigned through selective sterilization and breeding processes. Already, the ruling classes had been scrupulously controlling their breeding and bloodlines for centuries. Now it was time to impose the benefits of their practices and wisdom on the whole planet.
It is not hard to tune into the mindset of these ruling classes. The philosophy of eugenics can be paired with that of Thomas Malthus, an Englishman of an earlier generation. Malthus warned that advances in industry would precipitate a human population explosion that would outstrip the earth’s capacity to produce needed resources, bringing calamity and devastation. This fear of the masses maps neatly onto the perennial fear held by the ruling classes regarding the common man. If the rabble were ever to rebel against the great power and privilege held by their betters, the whole program of power and control would be summarily dissolved. To prevent this, the masses must either be oppressed, placated, deceived—or eliminated. Along with eugenics, Malthusian fears of overpopulation have been perennially popular among the ruling classes, for similar reasons. They both speak to the need to deal with the common people directly, to limit their numbers and influence, and to preserve the utopian dreams the ruling classes aspire to.
With such considerations in mind, guided by a random world rather than purpose or moral consideration, and in conjunction with the burgeoning Anglo-American oligarchic alliance, these utopian dreams evolved into a new form: technocracy. Please refer to my article Understanding Technocracy for a deeper dive into this philosophy. Put simply, technocracy aspires to bring the world into alignment with technological rule—to remake every aspect of the world in accordance with intelligent technological design—rendering a utopian system. Human labor is replaced by mechanized labor. The human form is redesigned for immortality with sterling health, strength, youth, beauty, and intelligence. By incorporating technological advancements into the body—telepathy, telekinesis, and levitation are achieved, along with the power to dream reality into existence through virtual worlds. Behavior, desire, and belief are molded into appropriate forms to serve the stability and maintenance of the utopian social order.
These visions fulfill the wildest ambitions of hubris any aspiring master of the universe could cleave to. All except one: the ambition to rule others and experience the satisfaction of superiority and power over them. The technocratic utopian vision is a totalitarian one—but if the class structure is not preserved, the ruling classes would be reduced to subjects of the technocracy, not rulers of it. The modified technocracy envisioned by the ruling classes imagine a world in which their every need is catered to by mechanized processes, where they achieve godhood through transhuman alterations, but the masses do not.
Yuval Noah Harari is the presiding guru of the elites, and of technocracy today. He bemoans that regular people will become “useless” in the world to come, while the elites will achieve godlike power. What will be done with the useless people? Technocratic plans for the common people involve corralling them into smart cities with ubiquitous surveillance, geofencing to restrict their movements, digital currency and social credit systems to restrict their agency, censorship and media programming to control their perception, and depopulation efforts. This has become the object of warfare. It is total war on a scale far beyond anything military conquest could ever achieve.
Total War in Our World
The true objective of conventional warfare is to control people and resources. It can be nothing else. What good would it be to conquer land if there were no people living on it? And if there are people living on it, why resort to the clumsy method of military conquest if they can be controlled by subtler, more effective means? The term “fifth-generation warfare” has entered the lexicon to describe this kind of total war. It acknowledges that warfare today is waged in the minds of the people. Its objectives are to alter perceptions and induce obedience to the aims of authority through social engineering, disinformation, propaganda, and other means.
As I have mentioned in previous articles, the assassination of John F. Kennedy serves as something of a Rosetta Stone for understanding where power is actually held in our world today, and how it functions. It is a stark example of an event in which democratic rule was dramatically overturned by the Network oligarchs, followed by a massive cover-up and the continual gaslighting of the public about what happened. Among many such events, the Kennedy assassination is perhaps the most thoroughly researched, with the greatest amount of confirmed information uncovered of them all.
Looking into this event is perhaps the easiest and quickest way to verify the existence of an unelected coordinating power that holds sway over politics, governance, the military and intelligence agencies, and the corporate media—and that this power operates in secret, is willing and able to kill any person, even the President, and is immune from exposure or punishment. The long list of names involved in the coup that deposed Kennedy provides tendrils of Network connections reaching decades before the event and decades after. You can get the whole picture of the Network apparatus by following these names and their connections forward and backward.
The Kennedy assassination also marks the moment the Network assumed full control of the United States Government, which it has retained ever since. In researching the assassination and the network of connections between those implicated, several factors become quickly apparent. The operational arm of the assassination was clearly conducted at the nexus point of the CIA, the Mafia, and anti-Castro militants. This nexus point was established as a covert operation to overthrow Castro that was launched during the Eisenhower administration in 1960. The OSS (the predecessor to the CIA) established operational links with organized crime during World War II, and were later recruited to assist the CIA in facilitating Fidel Castro’s overthrow by disaffected Cubans to mutual advantage (in light of the Mafia’s own Cuban investments).
Kennedy thwarted these operations at the Bay of Pigs in 1961, along with Network/military promptings for war at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis the following year. Meanwhile, following the Bay of Pigs, the CIA and its Cuban-mob network moved on to plan B, the assassination of Castro. The CIA and other US intelligence assets had already engineered coups and assassinations in a number of foreign governments prior to this. All of this was in service of the Cold War: a covert continuation of the total war of World War II, with the Soviet Union as the new enemy. The Network was in the process of shifting from domination through territorial conquest to domination of the governments, people, and resources of foreign nations through coups, assassinations, espionage, finance, and politics (backed by military interventions at flashpoints like Korea and Vietnam). No nation, no leader, and no private individual was exempt from this program.
The overthrow or assassination of Castro was viewed as a worthy objective in the Network’s war, even though Cuba was a small country with limited power and influence. But Kennedy was a much bigger thorn in the side of the Network’s objectives. He led the most important country in the world—the one needed for the continuation of total war. Kennedy represented an obstacle to the continuation of this war, particularly after the Cuban Missile Crisis, which prompted him to begin withdrawal from Vietnam and pursue rapprochement with the Soviet Union—and due to his resistance to CIA and military efforts to coordinate his policies. It makes perfect sense that the CIA would turn its assassination squads against Kennedy in pursuit of this war. If staging a coup in Guatemala, Iran, or Cuba is a worthy objective in this war, why not the United States? The guns point inward as well as outward.
The key understanding is that the CIA was not serving the interests of the United States in this assassination, they were serving the interests of the Network. The United States just happened to be their base of operations. The United States was like any other country: its leaders were either an obstacle or an asset to the Network’s goals. By tracing the backgrounds of the founding members and leadership of the CIA, such as Allen Dulles and Frank Wisner, one finds that these figures were drawn from the same financial and industrial circles that formed the core of the Anglo-American oligarchic alliance that is the Network.
The CIA and the Mafia, along with all other intelligence agencies and organized crime outfits, operate in secrecy, just as the Network does higher up the chain. This is why it is useful to view the Network (and intelligence agencies) as organized crime operations. The Network is simply what organized crime looks like when it reaches the heights of power. All such organizations operate on a need-to-know basis (also termed compartmentalization). When I write about the CIA coordinating the Kennedy assassination, I do not mean every member of the CIA—only those who needed to know.
Just as the CIA engages assets for its operational work, the CIA is in turn an operational asset for the Network. Hence, the Kennedy assassination was not truly a CIA operation, but a Network operation. And as with the CIA, most members of the Network were not involved in the assassination—or even had knowledge of it. Only those who needed to know. This is standard operating procedure for any clandestine endeavor. This is how all Network operations function. Observing the cover-up that followed the assassination demonstrates that higher sources of power were complicit in the coup, extending through leaders in government, the military, the FBI, and the corporate press. As with covid, the coordinating influence behind these figures and institutions is seen in the uniformity by which they stood behind the falsehoods, denials, and misrepresentations of the facts of the case.
If the Network can kill the President, get away with it, and perpetually continue to deny having done so, then no President, and no elected official can withstand them. This is demonstrated daily in the course of politics. Is there any indication that our elected leaders set the political agenda, other than to squabble about identity politics and other issues of limited concern to the Network? There is every indication that our elected leaders serve the interests of the national security state, not the other way around. But if the President is nominally the head of this apparatus and instead takes directions from it, it begs the question: who actually runs the national security state? The answer is, of course, the Network does. Ever since World War II, and especially since JFK’s assassination, the Network and its national security state have continued to operate in secrecy, and with impunity.
The Arms of the War Effort
The CIA’s MK-Ultra program, launched in the 1950s, provides another glimpse into the agenda of total war. In keeping with fifth-generation warfare, the program’s objective was to identify means of influencing and programming the human mind. The means utilized included the induction of trauma in individuals via psychological torture. But even the Kennedy assassination can be understood in similar terms. This deed traumatized the public, inducing fear, grief, confusion, and paranoia. This was followed up by the gaslighting campaign of the cover-up and the concocted lone gunman explanation for the event. These are the same methods by which an individual can be abused, traumatized, and reduced into fracturing, despondency, nervous exhaustion, and powerlessness.
The subsequent assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy, along with the litany of other crimes, traumas, and abuses inflicted on the public by agents of the Network (accompanied by coordinated lies and gaslighting) have amounted to a long assault on the American psyche. The War on Terror, 911, and the covid fiasco are other major examples. The policy goals achieved by such operations are only part of the objective. Dominating and traumatizing the psyche of the people is at least as important. Through this domination, we can see how the public is coaxed and bullied into relinquishing more and more of its liberties until the loss of such things is accepted as normal and inevitable.
Another arm of total war is seen in the development and deployment of military technology. DARPA is the name of the Pentagon’s research and development arm. It operates in recognition that every new form of technology represents another potential edge in full spectrum dominance. This term is used by the military to describe the goal of dominating not only sea, air, and land, but electromagnetic space and information. All forms of technology are weapons in total war. Bioweapons, genetics, communications, pharmaceuticals, computing, AI, nanotechnology—all of it can be used to harm, control, or disable targeted people. Or they can be used to alter their perceptions and beliefs, making them ripe for manipulation.
In addition, the CIA operates In-Q-Tel, a funding organ for developing technology. Facebook and Google are among the many companies that received boosts from In-Q-Tel. This allows the CIA to pick and choose winners, and control the flow of technological prowess to benefit corporations in alignment with their objectives. It would be naïve to assume this assistance does not come with strings attached. The recent release of the Twitter files revealed the presence of intelligence agents embedded within the company. All of the social media and tech giants were recruited into the US government’s targeted censorship program during the covid debacle, becoming agents of state censorship. These companies represent another assault on the people by the Network in the waging of Total War—to mold and shape the minds of the people according to Network design.
For another example, Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing in 2013 revealed what many of us had already suspected at the time. The intelligence agencies have subjected the American people, and the people of all the world, to complete surveillance. None of us ever gave them permission to do so. They take what they want. They do to us what they will. We are their enemy to be contained, controlled and defeated in the total war waged against us.
Phony Wars and Phony Fears
All of this is ostensibly done in the name of national security. The national security state has claimed the right to lie about or conceal anything and everything—as long as they say the magic words—that the lie or concealment is in the service of national security. When applying a total war framework, there is literally nothing outside the realm of national security. All aspects of life are included. The US national security state (and through it, the Network) is entirely unaccountable as a result. They gained power and will never relinquish it. But it’s all okay because they just want to keep us safe.
We are supposed to be afraid of terrorists. To the Network, “terrorist” is just another word to describe the people—their true opponent. You may not have noticed, but during the covid debacle they redefined terrorism to include speech. Under a total war regime, terrorism is not limited to acts of violence. It includes any speech or action in opposition to narratives deemed sensitive to the Network, such as their narratives on vaccines, public health, election integrity, 5G, climate change, or whatever war they happen to be waging at the moment. You are now a terrorist unless you comply with their agenda and demands.
But what about Russia and China? Those are legitimate national security threats, right? We are supposed to be afraid of them too. Well, the Network would like you to believe that, but the transition away from conventional wars of conquest like World Wars I and II was completed long ago. Even the robust competition of the Cold War is long out of date. All of the great powers have adopted the mindset of total war, and in adopting this framework, they have all come to recognize their common foe: the people. They spar and skirmish with each other, but never enough to distract them from their true enemy.
Just look at the current war in Ukraine. It is a war games exercise between Russia and the Network, with the Ukrainian people as expendable casualties, held of no account by either side. Among those who have awakened to the Network and its designs, I sometimes hear them express support for Putin as if he is a champion of righteousness. I suppose that can be chalked up to wishful thinking. There is no difference between Putin and the Network. They share identical control agendas from different positionalities. They propagandize and manipulate their respective peoples to turn their attentions away from their true oppressor: the oligarchs who control their government with their left hand while controlling the business world with their right.
Countries like Russia and China now exist in a symbiotic relationship with the West. They are run by their own networks, with identical goals: control and domination of the people. Each uses the others as an excuse for why they need to abuse and spy on their own people, or on people anywhere. It is all an excuse to relieve us of our natural rights. They will create bioweapons, release them on us, take away our liberties, humiliate us, deny us life-saving medical treatment, force toxic vaccines on us, and lie to us and gaslight us throughout. And they’ll do it again.
Look to George Orwell’s novel 1984 for instruction. In that novel, there are three mega-powers: Oceania, Eurasia, and East Asia. The rest of the world is a battleground where they test their weapons on each other. Their own populations are the true targets of their weapons, and the most important weapons are surveillance, mind control, traumatization and demoralization. The Network could be called Oceania, and it would be no different. Russia could be called Eurasia, and China East Asia. 1984 was published in 1948. The 4 and 8 were simply reversed for the novel, and this was done to make a point: By 1948, in the aftermath of World War II, total war had already been established as the permanent state of affairs. Domination of the people for the sake of domination had already been established as the goal of the Party. The Party could be called the Network, and it would be no different. The leadership is obscured in both the fictional Party and the factual Network—they operate in secrecy. They are not meant to be known. And you are their target.
The technocratic control agenda is shared by the militaries, the bankers, the industrialists, the governments. You are the only obstacle in that agenda. Tech has merged with pharma and media in the shared goal of reprogramming the human being—in reprogramming you. All aspects of life are incrementally redefined in terms of a national security concern. What you eat, what you read, what you say, who you talk to, where you go, where you work, how you spend your money, what medications you take or don’t take, and everything else. Total war is total. They want all of you.
Winning the War
There is so much more I could say—so many more names, whistleblowers, violations of dignity and rights—this article could be as long as an encyclopedia and yet continue. But this is not a research article. The links cited earlier in the piece are available for those who wish to explore these matters further, or to verify or refute the facts and conclusions I have offered. I am not writing to persuade or convince. I am offering a framework by which clarity can inform our understandings of worldly power and its objectives. Try the framework out. See if it fits. The entire world is run by gangsters. You deserve to know it. You deserve to know whether or not they have targeted you. With this knowledge you can protect yourself.
On my most recent travel excursion, I observed a small indicator of the ongoing total war against the common people. It was small, but it really stuck with me. In the airports, I noticed that signs had been posted for the rabble to read while being corralled through the security checkpoint. The signs explained that back-talking to TSA employees was to be severely punished, including any verbal statements that could be interpreted as threatening to TSA employees. The signs threatened prison sentences of up to one year in jail and $10,000 in fines if such an infraction were to occur. And I considered that.
They are so afraid of us.
Our controllers are so afraid of us that even receiving verbal pushback against their agents—even the anticipation of it—makes them quake in their boots. They are so fearful of the smallest measure of resistance, they feel compelled to cow and threaten us with these signs. They probably can’t believe we have gone so far along with their program. They are probably pinching themselves to test if they’re dreaming. “Can the people still be buying this? How long can we keep this up? They’re finally going to turn on us any day now.”
As depressing as those signs were, they also brought me hope. We are much closer to casting off their yoke than we realize. We don’t realize it, but they do. They can kill us, they can injure our bodies, they can rob us blind and imprison us. But they are not fighting this war against us to do those things. They want to conquer our minds, our hearts, and our spirits. Anything less is a total defeat for them. And they cannot conquer us in this way, no matter what they do. These precious jewels we possess can only be given away—they can never take them.
The total war is a war for your mind, heart and spirit. That’s the secret. They are fighting a hopeless war. They cannot actually occupy any of these things without your acquiescence. To win this war, all you have to do is refuse.
This is a brilliant explanation of how we got to where we are now. The detail is enlightening and frightening in equal measure. Thank you for this amazing piece.